New Tune "Beaches" done with Modellers


New member
Hi folks,

I just uploaded a new tune called "Beaches" which I did using the POD 2.3 and Rocktron Replitone Modelling preamp for all the guitar tracks....It's a slow, mellow kinda thang!

Please have a wee listen and lemme know wot ya think :)

On the POD, I used:

JMC800 (Rhythm) dry
RECTIFIED (Rhythm) with 400ms delay
SOLDANO (Lead) with Chorus/Delay #1

On the Rocktron MP:

AMERICAN BLUES (Clean) with delay & flange
MEGA GAIN (2nd lead) with delay & phaser

I mix with the Yorkville YSM-1P Monitors.


Nice guitar sounds. I'm gonna have to get me one of those PODs. Ever since I saw Andy Partridge rave about them I've been interested. This kind of has an 80's progressive feel to it. The vocals were well tracked too.
Well tracked, good vibe, don't be so stingy with the piano in the verse!

...I like piano...

Only niggle I had was during the intro when the synth sound does a pitch shift downward; it bothered me for some reason. Maybe it was the pitch it ended up on, myabe it was the timing of the shift, something didn't seem right.

Otherwise a very well done piece.
Any chance you can post your files on nowhere radio? That Acid site wants a ton of personal information including my address! I'll pass.
If you took those pics Im really impressed. I really like those scenes. I gotta get some sleep so I`ll have to sign up a little later to hear the tunes.
I really like those leads, the sound very cool. This piece did a good job of emoting something. I liked the calming effect of everything. I think it's about time I checked out one of those POD's.
I like the song, like the vox, and the guitar sounds were great.

Very nice indeed. Soothing feel, and emotional leads.

Love to hear more.
