new tracks to peep

Place Called - Damnnnnnnn..... Nice shit here. Got that feel...

I see why the previous comments are so short. Not much to say but tight shit...

Not sure which one is i'm peeping but it's tight to... I think it's in you mind.

Auight IN AND OUT... I like the energy ya'll comin with and that latin drum feel. Nice shit...

Place called gotta be my favorite one outta the three... I'd cop this shit if wasn't flat broke. This shit would add something to the young thump palette for sure.

Where ya'll comin from?

Is this the first cd ya'll have done?

Glad you dig! A place called hip hop is actually a sequel to what these cats did on a previous album entitled "Earthworm." They have been around on the underground scene down in LA for aboyut a decade. I love em to death and think they have a bit to offer to the hip hop community. If anyone is interested more into them, for sure peep or Thank you very much for peeping the stuff!