New Track: Hearses Hurt

Well I suppose that's true...but it's someone to look up to I guess.

What I started doing is picturing myself in a music video while I listen to myself...then I ask myself if my voice would sound right if someone was watching me.
I listen to 2Pac all the time, he's a great bit of inspiration for me, but unfortunately that doesn't assist me in the whole flow/strong vocal section of things.

I'm trying different things and trying to find my voice that actually sounds good. So far, I haven't. I have a really deep voice, but I can also mediate it as well.In other words I can go from deep to medium and back, or whatever I need to do, to make it sound better.

Anyways, I'll try harder, though. Thanks for the advice.

Am I any where near the progression stage, or am I at failure point? :)

--Re-Lapse :D
note to the readers: this is all directed toward re-lapse so unless you want to read a lot of random shit you can stop right now.

Well your verses from under pressure show some improvement over the older songs. You have a pretty decent hold over ability to fit words to the beat, and you've improved since the constitutional song. You just need more practice, which is where freestyling comes into play. The more and more you do it, it becomes more natural for you to always stay on point.

Your vocal projection needs work, and that also just comes from doing more and more takes. Record your verse, delete it, record it again, walk away for 5 minutes, come back, listen to it, do it over again. You don't really need to talk loudly or yell if that isn't your style, but there's a sort of projection that comes from your diaphragm that defines good singers. If you listen to fyre's verse, he has a relatively simple rhyme style, but it sounds good because he projects himself and he is comfortable with his voice. It is very hard to explain, but you should sort of be able to feel the words coming from deep in your chest and not just out of your mouth. It adds a certain fullness to the singer/rappers voice that you aren't projecting yet.

As far as the flow goes, you are getting better at writing to the beat but now you can start developing your style more. It is true that a lot of rappers, especially ones on the radio, get away with having a very simple rhyme style. However, all the rappers that I like to listen to, such as nas, eminem, big L, big pun use multisyllabic phrases frequently in their rhymes. It is difficult to write rhymes like this and make them fit the beat and make sense, but it is really what begins to separate rappers into another echelon.

These are all separate points and would be hard to work on all of that at the same time. So just work on one thing at a time. Start out trying to project yourself, not talking loudly but talking full. The important thing is just to keep writing and keep freestyling and don't worry about fine points too much. I personally like dj premier beats for freestyling.
You're at the stage where you just need a lot of practice, and you have to think of it like a sport. If you practice wrestling every day, eventually you get to the point where taking shots and looking for angles becomes natural to you and less of a conscious effort. This is kind of like that, when you spend enough hours rapping, eventually finding a beat and then being able to write good lyrics over it becomes natural. But don't spend hours trying to perfect a single verse; write new stuff and listen to all sorts of different beats.

I'll probably finish up my first recording soon so that you can have a turn to criticize me, I don't want this to be a one-sided street. My classes are just getting the best of me this year so its been hard to try to balance everything.

lets keep writing in this thread so that peritus is inspired to upload the updated beat.
Right on.. I've not gotten a chance to actually update the beat yet...

I had an interview for a promotion today (at my day job) to linux system administrator.. little preoccupied at the moment..

You can bet I'll be back at it soon!

Peace... and thanks for the continually bumping my thread .. :D
Right on.. I've not gotten a chance to actually update the beat yet...

I had an interview for a promotion today (at my day job) to linux system administrator.. little preoccupied at the moment..

You can bet I'll be back at it soon!

Peace... and thanks for the continually bumping my thread .. :D

Good luck on the promotion, Linux rocks! Had no idea we had some Linux smart people here. :)

I'm a Gentoo and SMGL Fan :D Wish I could get a computer job around here -_-.

--Re-Lapse :D
Good luck on the promotion, Linux rocks! Had no idea we had some Linux smart people here. :)

I'm a Gentoo and SMGL Fan :D Wish I could get a computer job around here -_-.

--Re-Lapse :D


Mainly CentOS/RedHat for me...

p.s. a help desk is the quickest ladder into the good computer jobs... that is.. if you aren't a computer related degree college grad...
note to the readers: this is all directed toward re-lapse so unless you want to read a lot of random shit you can stop right now.

Well your verses from under pressure show some improvement over the older songs. You have a pretty decent hold over ability to fit words to the beat, and you've improved since the constitutional song. You just need more practice, which is where freestyling comes into play. The more and more you do it, it becomes more natural for you to always stay on point.

Your vocal projection needs work, and that also just comes from doing more and more takes. Record your verse, delete it, record it again, walk away for 5 minutes, come back, listen to it, do it over again. You don't really need to talk loudly or yell if that isn't your style, but there's a sort of projection that comes from your diaphragm that defines good singers. If you listen to fyre's verse, he has a relatively simple rhyme style, but it sounds good because he projects himself and he is comfortable with his voice. It is very hard to explain, but you should sort of be able to feel the words coming from deep in your chest and not just out of your mouth. It adds a certain fullness to the singer/rappers voice that you aren't projecting yet.

As far as the flow goes, you are getting better at writing to the beat but now you can start developing your style more. It is true that a lot of rappers, especially ones on the radio, get away with having a very simple rhyme style. However, all the rappers that I like to listen to, such as nas, eminem, big L, big pun use multisyllabic phrases frequently in their rhymes. It is difficult to write rhymes like this and make them fit the beat and make sense, but it is really what begins to separate rappers into another echelon.

These are all separate points and would be hard to work on all of that at the same time. So just work on one thing at a time. Start out trying to project yourself, not talking loudly but talking full. The important thing is just to keep writing and keep freestyling and don't worry about fine points too much. I personally like dj premier beats for freestyling.
You're at the stage where you just need a lot of practice, and you have to think of it like a sport. If you practice wrestling every day, eventually you get to the point where taking shots and looking for angles becomes natural to you and less of a conscious effort. This is kind of like that, when you spend enough hours rapping, eventually finding a beat and then being able to write good lyrics over it becomes natural. But don't spend hours trying to perfect a single verse; write new stuff and listen to all sorts of different beats.

I'll probably finish up my first recording soon so that you can have a turn to criticize me, I don't want this to be a one-sided street. My classes are just getting the best of me this year so its been hard to try to balance everything.

lets keep writing in this thread so that peritus is inspired to upload the updated beat.

Wow, I appreciate all the criticism. That's a lot to read, but all worth it in the end. I'll definitally do all of that and try to get better.

The same situation for me, as for you, my school classes are getting in the way of everything. Blah! I'd ratehr stay home and sleep than go to class. Oh well, I only have a few classes a week.

Monday Wednesday and Friday is Math 101(LOL), English 102(Technical Writing) and Excel 2, Tuesday and Thursday is Programming Algorithms and Pseudocode, and Web Design, which all of those I can fly through I know it all anyways... I have A's in all of 'em. So hopefully I'll get this semester over with enough credits to get a damned internship in the computer side of things!

Anyways, I appreciate it. Yes, get a song up here for me to criticize for you! :D

I like giving advice, I just hope it helps. *shrugs*

--Re-Lapse :cool:

Mainly CentOS/RedHat for me...

p.s. a help desk is the quickest ladder into the good computer jobs... that is.. if you aren't a computer related degree college grad...

I'm not a college grad yet, just started this year.. But I'm going to be a Computer Engineer in 2 years. :P...nothing around here for jobs for college students to work around my schedules >.>

enjoy freshman year while it lasts, for most people it starts to get real hard real quick. But boy how the time flies. if computer related degrees are anything like chemistry, eventually you'll get to the point where you can study for hours on end and then go take your test and realize that you don't know anything at all.

On the other hand my brother did computer networking and he seemed like he had a pretty easy time in college. He just sat around bootlegging shit off the internet all day and smoking weed and he managed to pass without too much trouble somehow.

song will be up soon I think but they have to clear my soundclick page or something first... I'm kind of nervous cause the beat I uploaded has one of the lil jon guys saying "ay!" which is technically not legally my sample but it came from one of those packs that they posted on here so I figured it shouldn't matter. Do the soundclick people actually go around listening to people's songs and approving them or do they just say that to cover themselves from lawsuit?
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enjoy freshman year while it lasts, for most people it starts to get real hard real quick. But boy how the time flies. if computer related degrees are anything like chemistry, eventually you'll get to the point where you can study for hours on end and then go take your test and realize that you don't know anything at all.

On the other hand my brother did computer networking and he seemed like he had a pretty easy time in college. He just sat around bootlegging shit off the internet all day and smoking weed and he managed to pass without too much trouble somehow.

song will be up soon I think but they have to clear my soundclick page or something first... I'm kind of nervous cause the beat I uploaded has one of the lil jon guys saying "ay!" which is technically not legally my sample but it came from one of those packs that they posted on here so I figured it shouldn't matter. Do the soundclick people actually go around listening to people's songs and approving them or do they just say that to cover themselves from lawsuit?

They just say that to cover themselves from lawsuit. Too many people registering daily to keep track. Not to mention all the uploads constantly.

As for the computer related, I'm a computer genious in most aspects, I'm a guru in a lot of others. You ask me a question I'm bound to know it, and if I don't I know how to find out. *cough google cough* but either way I usually know.

I'm breezing through most of my classes, except Math 101, and English 102, just because those are my most hated classes, and I don't like them to the point I don't want to pay attentioin. Nevertheless, I'm still aceing them so far. Hope for the best throughout the rest though.

Check out my new thread, I need some word on it.


PS Peritus Redhat?!?!?!?!?! BOOOO!!! :P
I'm not a college grad yet, just started this year.. But I'm going to be a Computer Engineer in 2 years. :P...nothing around here for jobs for college students to work around my schedules >.>


I was just looking through my old threads, and came across this one.

Thought I'd update you... I finally got a promotion from the help desk to the sys admin team last June. Now my title is Associate Unix Systems Administrator, and I'm working on dropping that "Associate" moniker.

I started Wright State University last fall, majoring in Computer Engineering...

How are things going at your end?

Side note: I'm going to dig this track up, and remodel it!
