New Track, deep more meaningful


New member
I really dont post too many tracks nowadays considering most of the forums were full of net heads arguing with one another. This place looks to be a little different so ill give a go at it here..

Theres Tha link to the music page, its called

" The Day I stopped Caring "

If yall leave your links to your posts ill be happy to get back to you.. Thanks and hope you enjoy the track..

Mixin skills still arent up too par but im still in the learning stages.. Any tips are most appreciated..

Ps: if by some chance you like this most of my tracks are deep and meaning so take a listen to wateva u want n speak ya mind.. enjoy..
Two Word's Kid

ILL i ain't even gonna front man i'm feelin most of the
tracks you got on your page....(i didn't listen to all of those shit's but man you mos def got skills and i can def feel your be honest though your shit is kind of depressing. I mean it's real though so it's cool but you def need to mix it up a lil bit because i remember a lil while ago i was in that stage too and you could see it in my rhymes i'm not sayin that's what your going through but just something to think about ...I can't really critique your mix kid cuz i'm on dial up but from the lo fi link shit still sounded good...


Im really feeling The Kid could really go on a mixtape for real....I listened to a couple of your other tracks the lyrics are cool but its like your beats arent doing your lyrical creativity any justice....TO ME its like its watering you down.
What everyone else said.

Where you been hiding man?

This is real good stuff, and you've managed to capture plenty of emotion.

My hat is off to you.
thank you very much its really appreciated.. I jus been doin music man lol.. I think these beats are simply genious.. And the kid that makes them is probably one of the most talented I have ever ran into.. I think other producers might try to hate on them a bit but these beats to me are simply perfect.. thanks though enjoy...
thats good that you have an attitude like long as you make music for yourself that you are satisfied with you cant go wrong....for every cat that aint feeling it theres a cat that personally i feel your lyrics but not the beats someone else might be feeling the beats but not the lyrics....keep it up and stay true to asked our opinion and i just wanted to give my honest 2 cents.
I listened to quite a few of your tracks. Real nice work. The emotion you put into sets you apart from a lotter of other emcees out here. The mixes sounds pretty good too.

Where do you get your beats? I recognized one Rock It Productions beat, but what about the rest? Do you produce too?

I get most of them from sindustry.. Hes one of the more talented producers Ive run into on the net.. Yea I jus started producing but im the type that doesnt let my shit out unless its up to par lol... Im gettin there though jus started like 2 weeks ago, i should have something up in like a month.. enjoy
ain't got much time on my hands to comment or anything, just wanted to say i really liked the track.