New to this, but...


New member
And the chances are there's lots of information out there to help me, but I'd love a few pointers on where to start looking.

Moved to a new place, somewhat out in the country. There's two sheds, the larger of which I have to myself.
It's a 15' x 9' concrete job.. I reckon the ceiling is about 8', in a ^ kinda shape. Due to preference or whatever, I'm hoping to get as much tracking as possible done live in this room, so I'm guessing I'll need to look into baffles and such before long.

As far as a control room goes, there's a wooden shed, a little smaller ( maybe 8' x 10' or a little more ) which I can use. Now, there will be other stuff stored in there aside from the desk, recorder and outboard, but I can certainly do a bit to the walls / floor etc.

I should say that we're about 100 yards from the nearest neighbour, so soundproofing doesn't have to be totally airtight, but advice on materials, standing waves - the whole deal would be a big help.
