New to sight and recording lots of ???


New member
Hello, so glad I found this sight. My name is Steve. I've just recently purchased a Fostex MR16-CD and a couple of Apex condenser mic's I also have a CAD Stereo compressor and I've got a few other things like an affects unit and other Sure mic's. I've been doing some writing and wanted to record. Mostly Acoustic Guitar and stand up Bass. I've got no idea where to start. Last recording I did was on a 4 track tape machine over 15 years ago. Help me out and when I'm rich and famous I'll put you in the credits!!! HAAA! OK there's nothin in it for ya but my gratitude so how bout it?Thanks in advance.
K, first things first...

Read the Fostex manual cover to cover! I'm not being flippant here, it's very important to understand all of the terms as they relate to that unit!

All though it's not my strong point I have done some reading and it became apparent I needed to do a combination of both. Perhaps a bit of a study of the terminology is in order as it seems to get over my head quickly. Thanks
All I know is...

After I purchased my Tascam DP02, I spent about 3 days banging my head against the wall trying to figure it all out. Then one magical night, I decided to read the owners manual cover to cover, and even though it's not the best written manual on the planet, I saw the light, and have been making joyful recordings ever since.