New to recording. NEw to Audition. Need help.


New member
Im trying to track and mix this song in AUdition.

Im made this drum sequence in FLStudio, exported it as a wav file.
Imported it into a track in audition. (ex. Track 1)

Heres my prob:

1)When i try to record my guitar into Track 2. It records the drums in Track2 at the same time along with the guitar. Is there a way to have the drums play in track1 and record my guitar solely on track2?

2)I tried to record my guitar solely in one track, the volume seems to swell from loud to low. what is causing this?

3)When im recording, the sound that comes out of my monitor is too low to hear but what gets recorded is too loud (peaking even)?

Sorry if im asking stupid question. Im just starting out and thought if you guys can help me out. thanks a lot. Appreciate it. :)