New to rap. Sample song, need preamp advice.


New member
Hey all.

Still fairly new to rap, i got some new equipment a few months ago, but the lyrics seem to be somewhat dull. My room is not treated, and the person who editied this said that my room has echo, but not extremely bad.

My equipment is


I was either thinking of getting this insulator unit which attatches to the mic stand and metal/insulation wrap around the back of the mic to help sound deadening.


I was thinking of buying a preamp, for around 400. I was thinking a tube since my voice is not very deep, and need warmth of some kind.

Here is the song.

First verse: Me

Second verse: Street (guy who edited my verse)

Third verse: Me

Let me know your experienced opinions.

Thanks alot.

BTW, this thread isnt for political views and dont want any negative comments about the content. Thanks.
Hey bro, whats up! Respect for the song, awesome beat and flow... Just i think vocals need to be little bit more louder... But it's ok! Also, it seems you have to much empty space in the room where you recorded this, you need to get some acoustic foams or put microphone close to closet with clothes...

P.S. Keep it real, for ever, money can make you soft, and you will loose inspiration, like most popular rappers today... :(
---- Oh and if you want to collab, send me pm or something :)

R.I.P 2pac...
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Thanks for the feed bro. Always appreciate it. So would you reccomend a pre or the sound deadener?

I am down for a collab, Will PM.
Pre-amps that are good for under 200$
Studio Projects VTB-1 - 100$
M-Audio DMP3 - 150-180$
Art TubePac Preamp & Compressor - 150$

Pre-amps under 400$
RNP - Really Nice Preamp - 400$
Art MPA Gold
But I don't have much experience with pre-amps... I'm sure other guys here can give you better suggestion then me... But for 600$ you could get fantastic preamp Universal Audio Solo/610 !

Who produced the beat? :)
It wasnt an original beat, just a small song we put together.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Just thinking if I want to settle for a mediocre one now or get one that il keep....
Try a dynamic mic... and step right up to it. if the room sounds like ass... don't record it.

The AT4033 is too sensitive for a bad acoustic space
So you think I should get rid of my condenser? And I wouldnt need any treatment?

Sm57 with a really good pre (UA Solo 610 or brick)

Or SM7 with lower pre...

Damn, and now I also gotta get rid of my Mbox2 cause the pres are not bypassable in that stupid thing....

Whats a good interface that I can use with a pre?
The SM7 is the balls... but you might not have to stretch that far to start off... try a 57 first, see whether you like the results... then consider selling the AT for the 7, but the 7 is far more sensitive than the 57... really hard to tell without trying... There's no cookie cutter answer for this one
I was either thinking of getting this insulator unit which attatches to the mic stand and metal/insulation wrap around the back of the mic to help sound deadening.


I was thinking of buying a preamp, for around 400. I was thinking a tube since my voice is not very deep, and need warmth of some kind.

It's worth noting that these aren't really alternatives. If you've got room issues, you're going to have them no matter what pre you're using.

I didn't think your voice track suffered too much from what I don't like about the 4033 for vocals, which is a lot of high frequency. Just for experimenting, I'd try an experimental track with your current equipment with you up close to the mic ( 3 to 6 inches) so that you get some "proximity effect", which will add a lot of bass to the sound. You'll probably need to turn the gain down on the preamp for this, of course, and if you're getting too much popping/sibilance, first try raising the mic to nose or eye level and angling it down, or worst case use a pop filter. See if this is an improvement, and if so, then you'll have more info with which to make your next equipment choice.

The reason I'm suggesting this is that it doesn't sound like you're overpowering the mic, and so getting a hotter signal from it (by getting closer) and getting more bass as a bonus (due to proximity) and a little less room noise (relative to your voice, which will be at a higher relative amplitude, because you're closer) while being able to run your current preamp at lower gain (which will introduce less noise from the pre to the end result) may help some. If it does, then you'll know a little more about where you could make additional signal chain improvements if you still want them.

On the other hand, if you're already doing all this, then never mind :D
It's worth noting that these aren't really alternatives. If you've got room issues, you're going to have them no matter what pre you're using.

I didn't think your voice track suffered too much from what I don't like about the 4033 for vocals, which is a lot of high frequency. Just for experimenting, I'd try an experimental track with your current equipment with you up close to the mic ( 3 to 6 inches) so that you get some "proximity effect", which will add a lot of bass to the sound. You'll probably need to turn the gain down on the preamp for this, of course, and if you're getting too much popping/sibilance, first try raising the mic to nose or eye level and angling it down, or worst case use a pop filter. See if this is an improvement, and if so, then you'll have more info with which to make your next equipment choice.

The reason I'm suggesting this is that it doesn't sound like you're overpowering the mic, and so getting a hotter signal from it (by getting closer) and getting more bass as a bonus (due to proximity) and a little less room noise (relative to your voice, which will be at a higher relative amplitude, because you're closer) while being able to run your current preamp at lower gain (which will introduce less noise from the pre to the end result) may help some. If it does, then you'll know a little more about where you could make additional signal chain improvements if you still want them.

On the other hand, if you're already doing all this, then never mind :D

I am currently using a pop filter. I am no more that 5-7 inches away from the mic.

About the 4033, I think i have made the choice to upgrade to a AT4047 as it seems to have a rounder sound from what im hearing. I may possibly look into the reflexion as well to partially eliminate the bad room.

I will try speaking into it even closer though, but the room is something that has to be cared for im assuming. Im using an mbox 2 right now. This lets off no noise, but I wanted to add some tube to my chain to possibly get a more upfront warm sound possibly.
I don't think you'll find the 4047 a "warmer" mic... I own it, and I love it... but I wouldn't consider it warm or dark... more accurate, with a mid band "hype"
It just sounds like you need a little bit better compression done on the voices. The content is there, just not the right squish.
thanks you guys.

So not the at4047... I just feel like its missing something. I know for 1-600 there is a mic out there that will sound better with my voice, and i want some suggestions on what that might be.

Hell, im even thinking of grabbing an AT3035, ive read that a lot like it, its supposidly darker. I definitely want a fuller sound. The mic i get will most likely be paired with a GT brick and the Mbox 2 i already have.

I also may use it with a reflexion filter if i feel its worth the money.
I don't think you're going to fix your vocals with a new mic, or reflexion filter... it's got to be a change in technique...

Re-read antichef's post, try what he advises before you drop a dime on any new equipment... You'll noticed that my first post included the comment "and step right up to it". I was inffering to what antichef so eloquently described later.

And to get a better idea of what will probably help you the most... google "proximity effect"
I understand what your saying, but im never over 6 inches away. My pop filter is about 2-3 inches from the mic. 2-3 from that.. I can try stepping up a little closer and i will when im at home, but about the mic. If i can save a little mic and return it for a mic thats a little cheaper but just as good, i dont see why i should pay for the 4033, especially if some like the at3035 better, which is 300 cheaper.....

Also, how would a reflexion filter not help. Im not questioning you, im just asking. It would eliminate most reflections, which are probably a lot due to the untreated room.
I've got both the 3035 and the 4033 (how rare it is that I have things covered like that? pretty rare) --you can expect a fuller sound from the 4033

edit: but you're saying some like the 3035 better? I guess that could be. But really try the 4033 (which is a great mic, btw) at about the level of your nose or eyes, angled down toward your mouth, at about 3 inches away with no pop filter and see how it sounds.
you use it without a pop filter. il try that, thought it was pretty much a necessity.

Now you say the 4033 is fuller, is it $300 fuller. Or is that 300 better invested in a preamp. Just trying to get the best bang for my buck, but also good sound.

Thanks again for the suggestions.

BTW just so you know, i already have the 4033 at this point, i just feel like its missing something.
OK, well if you tried everything and it's not working for you, and you want a fuller darker sound for less money, you might try the Oktava MK-319. I don't think the 3035 will be an improvement in the areas that you've mentioned.
I'm not saying that the reflexion filter is not a good product that won't reduce the ambient noise in your recording space... It will, I also own one and find it well worth it's rather steep price for what it is... It's just won't help with your posted concern of not being happy with the fullness of you vocals... try getting very close in on the 4033 and I think you'll be impressed with the results.

I also own the MK-319... and yes it's a dark mic... but you have to be careful when buying them... The quality control out of the factory made them hit or miss even before the market was loaded with counterfeits. I'm not sure what the story is today...

I picked up a ton of OKtava mics when GC dropped them after the conterfeit news came out, they were pratically giving them away... and I lucked out, not a counterfeit in the lot