New to Keyboards


New member
Hey, I'm just getting into playing keys and am quickly falling in love with it. Right now I'm interested in setting up a keyboard rig so that I can play without the aid of my computer. I'm look for a synth module and a good weighted key keyboard controller. I'm also looking to spend around 1500. I know for that price I can probably get a keyboard with the module in it, but for computer recording's sake, and module upgradability, I want to keep the components seperate. Any suggestions?

:D Yo Nails with varicose vein-color:

You might want to look over the Yam ES 61 synth, or any of the ES models with more keys: 77 or 88 if you want.

It has all sorts of connective ports. I just got one and got it for the patches. Sounds are impressive.

I will have a lot to learn as the manual is very techie. But, that's the way it is these days. Good products, POOR manuals, very poor.

If anyone knows of any printed prompts for the ES Yam, kindly let me know as I'm anxious to understand the keyboard's many functions.

OH, yes, Nails, there are many synths out there. You can research them and find the one that suits your needs--but, from what I've read in your post, the Yam ES models are right up your alley.

Green Hornet :cool: :D
The best advice I can give may sound trite, but, Try lots of different keys before you buy.Musicians being what they are, prefrences vary.With todays market being as competitive as it is, most recognized names are pretty good.(except casio,nuff said) I agree with green hornet that the Yamaha sounds like what you're looking for, but you may not like it as much.Thats why i stress trying out different rigs.Does'nt matter how good a deal you get, its worthless if you do'nt feel comfortable playing it.
I use the Classic Motif6, but I recently tried out a Triton Extreme and it sounded great as well. Just throwing in my $.01 :)