New to home recording-need basic advice!!!


New member
I'm new to recording but I've been playing drums awhile and I want to Start doing covers on YouTube and don't want it to sound like crap. I'm also hopefully going to be joining or starting a band. I don't know how anything really works ex. Mixing consoles,pre amps, sound cards. Stuff like that. So I basically want to record straight to my Mac. So would I need just a mixing console like xenyx 1204 and that's it. Or do I need a sound card and pre Amps or does it come with it. As you see I'm kicrumb I need and in depth guide on everything I would need to record to my Mac for drum covers, recording, and live gigs. (this is of course looking ahead about 2 or 3 years. I'm also on a slight budget) Thanks so much!!! tanner
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Tweak's Guide: Tweak's Guide to the Home and Project Studio

First off, immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:
Home Recording for Musicians by Jeff Strong - $16

PC Recording Studios for Dummies - $16
(Wish I'd had those when I started; would have saved me lots of money and time and grief)
You can also pick up this book in most any Borders or Barnes&Noble in the Music Books section!

Recording Guitar and Bass by Huw Price
(I got my copy at a place called Half-Price Books for $6!!)

Home Recording for Beginners by Geoffrey Francis

When you get a bit into it, I highly recomend The Art of Mixing by David Gibson

A MUST READ: Kim Lajoie's "Lifesigns from studio" - FREE -

And you can get a FREE subscription to TapeOp magazine at

Barnes&Noble or Borders are great places to start --- they have recording books and you can go get a snack or coffee and read them for FREE! Don't pass by a good recording book --- this is a VERY technical hobby and you REALLY want to start a reference library!!!
If you've got a Guitar Center nearby, they hold a series of four, free, one hour recording workshops on Saturday mornings. There are four different subject areas they cover and they just continually rotate them. They're not high pressure sales pitches and they take you through the recording process from the beginning. They follow up with a Q&A period after. Well worth the time....IMO. Check their website for the topics being covered each week.
Learn by doing. Buy or borrow some cheap gear and fiddle with it till you hit a wall and dont know what to do. Thats when you look it up or ask people here. Ide say most of us here learned that way...