New to home recording - help me!!


New member
I'm new to home recording, but I am planning to build a nice home studio (not a pro studio, but something I can record my band with and such).

The things I have right now is:
- Computer (going to upgrade it!)
- Inca88 soundcard

I'm thinking of getting this:
- Audix Fusion drum mics
- Yamaha MG 16/4 mixer
- cables etc.

Will this work properly?
I know this sounds really stupid, but as I said earlier, I'm VERY fresh when it comes to studio stuff.
Can I for example record me (drums) and my bassplayer together, and be able to mix each individual mic afterward?
I want to be able to have control over the different drum mics after the recording - that was the reason I bought the Inca88, because it has 8 ins.
But on the other hand... I don't know if the mixer is good enough. Can I insert all the drums mics (7), and have direct outs (or whatever you call it) on each of them, so I can have control of each individual mic on my computer afterwards?

Please... Tell me anything that can help me. I'm a noob at this, but I want to get more information about the equipment I'm thinking of getting... I don't want to spend this much money on things I'll regret!
Thank you guys so much in advance!! :)

(Sorry if I kind of double posted about the mixer, but this thread is more for the whole studio I'm building. So please, anything you experienced people say will help a newbie like me!) :)
Immediately get a good beginner recording book (spend $20 before spending hundred$/thousand$) that shows you what you need to get started and how to hook everything up in your studio:

Good Newbie guide that also explains all the basics:

Other recording books:

Plenty of software around to record for free to start out on:



Other freebies and shareware:
If your going to start over

If your going to build a new comp. make sure of the specs. on the soundcard,
interface, and software. Some of these outfits are pretty picky on what motherboard processer etc. First, look to the future when you think of what you might need adat connections, I/O's, S/PDFand so on. Work out a budget. Can you aford a $5000. $10,000. $50,000 $160,000 When planning
this helps alot. Are you going to record one vocal and one guitar or are you going to record a whole band?
Okay I just caught the drum thing

Look at what connections you have and find an 8 channel preamp, like a
Mackie Onyx 800R, Focusrite makes a OctoPre a Platnim and a LE, Presonus makes some and other companies. You can use these like a mixer into your DAW.