New To Fd8


New member
Hi From sydney, just when I needed this site it appears, carry on I will use it, i will bloody have to.I have an FD8, with no users book, owners manual, along with an SCSI [ZIP250] drive the same. I have managed to use it to simply record songs but I wish to mix, and burn from a PC. Any help available, I am very new to this stuff too.
Also; although i have downloaded the software from iomega, for the SCSI i can;t get my laptop to recognise the disc?? say's 'no drive available??
I`ve been using a TERRATEC EWS88D soundcard to transfer tracks on my FD8 to my pc (im running win 98).I use CUBASE 32 VST to mix/edit the tracks and burn etc.....The TERRATEC card came with a version of MICROLOGIIC that i had loads of problems with so i upgraded to CUBASE....the initial settings on the soundcard were a bit confusing at first(German translated to English)but my persistence paid off.....the FD8 and the TERRATEC soundcard have found a happy medium.......hope this helps a bit!
I have a FD-8 and a Terratec EWS88D sound card... I use the TosLink to master CD's from the FD-8 to a Harmon Kardon CD burner... That does not use the Terratec card... and that works really great.

I also pass what I've recorded on the FD-8 to my pc via the Terratec Card. I use the Samplitude Project V5.5 that came with the Sound Card... It does a good job of coping the data so I can back it up....

... I eventually bought Cubase SX because I wanted something a bit newer that had more functionality via the mixer and sequencer... It is really powerful... but it does take time to learn... I occasionally get some popping and clicking when I use SX to copy the data from the FD-8. It appears I have some kind of syncing problem between the Fostex and Cubase... But using Samplitude to copy the files is an easy and no additional cost workaround

Basically once you get the data from the FD-8 you have up to 8 Wave files. One for each track... You can import those into whatever mixer s/w you like... i.e. Cubase, Cool Edit Pro, Samplitude, Cakewalk etc... Everyone has their personnel preference. You can download demo copies of each vendors s/w from their web sites... I takes time to go through it all... but it sure helps to get you to understand what you like and really need.

Also there are some older Forums where others have gone through what you are beginning... Good Luck
Good luck...