new to cool edit pro/computers

pedro maldonado

New member
i usually don't do the whole computer thing(especially since i just got some new hardware gear)but my friends were talking to me about using my comp. for recording.I downloaded a demo of cool edit pro 2.0 and i must say that i digged it! question is......if i were to buy cool edit 2.0,what else do i need to get to get a "decent"(if you can call it that) setup for about a $1000.For example bla bla bla soundcard for 150,bla bla bla mixer for 200etc.
I usually go the standalone gear route,but if it will work for me i'll go the computer route.

P.S. i do hip hop music so everything is programmed not too much live shit going on ya know?
I don't use my mixer for recording. Just for playback. For recording, I route my mics directly through preamps to the computer. I wouldn't even use the mixer for playback if I had a soundcard that had built-in monitor outs.

Just to let you know a mixer isn't necessarily required. If you're going to record drums with lotsa mics all at once, then you'll need a mixer, but if you're just gonna record one track at a time, you might not need a mixer if you get the right soundcard. I think some of the M Audio Delta cards have that ability, for example.
software (Cool 2.0?)
something to listen to it on (monitors or headphones)
CD burner?

plus, a mixer if you don't get a soundcard with a monitoring facility