New talent sharing website


New member
Disclaimer: I work for them! But I'm a regular on this site, and I hope this isn't considered spam. This at least seems like the proper category.

We're actually a post-production studio Near Rockefeller Center, but my boss got this idea for this website. It's sort of like a cross between Myspace, youtube, and some gambling sites. You post videos in one of many categories, like air guitar, music video, pets, bizzarro, acting, dancing, comedy... and then your video gets pitted against others in the same category, people vote, you win money. It's free to join and post videos, but to win money you have to pay, unless, and here's the cool part, other people bet on your video, and you both win.

Anyway my boss has some retarded crap up there now, but don't let that discourage you. And it's in Beta now, so it's not fully functional. But you're more than welcome to check it out. Actually, you'd be doing me a 'solid' if you do.

just go to
or go here to see my stupid 15 second clip: Bizzarro