New synth player questions


New member
Hey folks,
Small mixer or audio interface? I have a Microbrute, Volca Beats and I'm considering a Waldorf Rocket. Right now my 'brute plugs directly into my PC. I don't really care how it sounds, I'm not planning on seriously recording anything, although I would like to use Reaper or Audacity and a pedal or two for effects. Do I really need an audio interface or will a small mixer (ex. Behringer MX400) suffice? I'm trying to keep things as uncomplicated as possible while I learn how to use this gear. Hardware synths are the only sound sources I'll use for now.
Thanks !
Thanks for responding. So if I get an audio interface like the Steinberg UR22 or some other 2in 2out I can plug my gear into a mixer and then the mixer into the AI? I'd like to be able to send MIDI to my Microbrute, will an AI with MIDI in and out take care of that or will I have to go via USB from the Microbrute directly to my computer? I tried that last bit and Reaper refused to see me 'brute.
Thanks for any help you can render!
Looks like the Microbrute only has MIDI in via the 5 pin DIN jack. This would/should allow playing back of MIDI files/sequences from a computer or another keyboard with MIDI out on a DIN jack. Unfortunately there is no MIDI out of the Microbrute to allow recording to a DAW using a 5 pin DIN MIDI format.

The manual doesn't elaborate much on the USB MIDI capability, although it appears more capable than the DIN connection MIDI.
"The USB port allows interfacing with a personal computer. It can be used for MIDI communication, as well as editing some of the synthesizer internal parameters such as MIDI channel, sequencer settings, or updating the firmware, through the MicroBrute Connection software."

Best would be using the USB MIDI to have more control available and an interface for audio. Having an interface that has the DIN MIDI connections would be a good idea as well for flexibility in case you latch onto some older gear.

I couldn't find a "midi implementation chart" (usually a standard documentation for most synths) for the Microbrute, but did find the FAQ below...

"MicroBrute MIDI parameters
MicroBrute provides MIDI via USB only for these parameters:

==> Velocity
==> Mod Weel
==> The keys

==> Velocity
==> Mod Weel
==> The keys
==> The clock"
Thanks for your reply Mark, I have a lot to learn about MIDI! So here's what I think I'll try for now:

Audio Interface hooked up to Comp by USB
Plug my powered computer speakers into the stereo out on the AI
Microbrute audio out plugged into a small (mono or stereo?) mixer
Microbrute USB plugged directly into my computer
Volca Beats audio out plugged into the AI
If I get another synth (looking at Rocket & Erebus) plug the audio out into the mixer
Add pedals between the mixer and the AI

Will whatever DAW I use (I have Reaper & Studio One 2) be able to track each sound source separately?
My budget for an AI is less than $200.00 (and I'd like to pay a lot less if I can get away with it).
Sorry about all the questions
You will only be able to record as many separate tracks as the audio interface has capabilities.
With a $200 limit, you don't have much choice. There are some newer Behringer interfaces, but I would not recommend them myself as I have had variable experience with their equipment, and really have not read anything here from people using them.
The Steinberg UR242 can do 4 simultaneous tracks.
The Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 can do 6, it's $220.
The Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 can do 6, it's $230.

Note that by having your MIDI synth USBed directed to your computer, that can also be recording to a MIDI track in Reaper at the same time as audio. If you couldn't get it to work make sure you have the correct drivers installed, then from the Preferences menu in Reaper, USB devices, you select the synth. Then you select the track you want to record to as MIDI with input from the synth.
Thanks Mike,
So I should get an AI with at least 4 inputs. Does what I've laid out in my previous post make sense if I'm just learning?
We have similar setups - I'm currently using a small Alto mixer to get my ER-1, Erebus and Circuit into my AI and it's definitely not ideal...
I'm saving the Roland OctaCapture
Hi Dave,
Is your Alto mixer noisy? How many channels does it have? A cheap mixer might solve my problem while I save for a decent 4 or 6 channel AI. I hope to make the Erebus my next synth, how do you like yours?
Hi Dave,
Is your Alto mixer noisy? How many channels does it have? A cheap mixer might solve my problem while I save for a decent 4 or 6 channel AI. I hope to make the Erebus my next synth, how do you like yours?

It's pretty clean - there's noise if you drive it hard. I tend to use it in the composition stage and then sample each part into Maschine direct from the 2i2...
It's a ZMX52 - 5 channel (or 1mono/2stereo)
I won the Erebus in a comp... It sounds great but I'm not sure whether I'll keep it...
I have Circuit which is great (fun and connectable) and just added an ER-1 (drum synth) may trade for a Novation BassStationII which would probably be more useful in my rig...

What I'd really like to get my hands on is an old Yamaha DX200! But finding one that isn't overpriced at a time when I've actually got some cash!
What I'd really like to get my hands on is an old Yamaha DX200! But finding one that isn't overpriced at a time when I've actually got some cash!
If you find one and can try it out, check the be sure the data knob isn't erratic. I had to replace both of the encoders in my DX200 and AN200 as they wouldn't increment up or down as they should. Great little boxes.
I do have a zip file with images and instructions for the encoder replacement. If you want it for future reference let me know.
If you find one and can try it out, check the be sure the data knob isn't erratic. I had to replace both of the encoders in my DX200 and AN200 as they wouldn't increment up or down as they should. Great little boxes.
I do have a zip file with images and instructions for the encoder replacement. If you want it for future reference let me know.

Out of interest... Just how traumatic a procedure was that?
I've opened up and cleaned the faders of an old DPS12i but that's as much as I've ever done repair wise on audio gear besides the odd mic cable solder job...

That you have both is awesome... I was very close to picking up the AN200 before I won the Erebus in a comp... But when I saw a video of the DX in action... WOW!
It can sound utterly beautiful and scream like a hellhound... I must have it!!