New Stuff!!! Whats Up People!!


New member
Sup, guys. I havent been here in forever. Been super busy recording/playing/making a living not making a living, lol.

I logged in to show you guys my newest project and to make an interesting point.

First off, you can check out the new project @

Now, the interesting point.

I don't know how many of you guys have done/do mobile recordings or have recorded your own band in multiple locations or whatever, but do you ever listen back to certain recordings and really pay attention to the sounds you got? In specific, drum sounds. I actually reminisce about sounds, man. Like I was listening to all of our songs (the url above), and the drum sound I got on some of it (the big Breaking Benjamin drum sound) was fucking killer. That was recorded in a house I lived in a few months ago (close mic'd in the living room with room mics in the kitchen. That house was like plaster on concrete or some shit lol. The sound was killer. I wish i never had to move. It's like recording is magical or something and you dont really notice it until the final product or until after you have started recording in a lesser-than environment. :(

Oh well, I'll be famous one day then I can buy an SSL and a Studer A-800 and like six 1176's plus HD3 (unless it gets replaced by something better), and not to mention build the most hellacious room you ever seen in your life. lol

Sorry for the random rant, just a little tipsy and feelin gibby gabby.

How's everybody been?
Hey man,

There are too many tunes on your page for me to check them all out completely. But skimming through them all I can say is what I heard sounds fantastic. Love the sound of the drums, guitar, vocals, etc....And overall sound of the tunes. Good tunes, too.