New Stuff Over The Holidays

I liked the classical guitar tunes a lot. Good playing. Sounds like you put a lot of reverb on there, or the guitar was played through an amp and that was mic'd? (there were some distracting squeeks... which may be bad b/c if the squeeks can distract me who can tune them out, a guitarist, then people who don't play guitar will REALLY hear them). How/where was it recorded? I'm curious as I may be getting my hands/mics on one soon and I really don't know where to start.

I would ditch the stevie wonder song if I were you... I personally don't think ANYONE can play stevie but the man himself. I've tried myself and failed many times. :)
Thanks for the comments. The guitar on the Tansman Barcarole is A yamaha electric classical through my j-station.The Xmas tune is played on my regular Yamaha classical miced with an Rode NT1.