New Studio


New member
Hi everybody...

I have a fairly basic setup at the moment, but I now have the chance to invest up to £500 into a new one...I am using an old version of Emagic Logic, with a Shure SM57 and M-Audio Fast Track USB interface...I have a pair of CAD GXL1200 Condensers as well for live performance but they will do me well also for recording...

So therefore, I figured I needed the following:
-New Interface
-Vocal Mic

So how does this sound...for my budget?

Logic Express 7.2 - £129.95
M-Audio Fast Track Pro - £125
Audio Technica AT2020 - £69
M-Audio DX4 Monitors - £100

Let me know if you think I should consider any alternatives to these (except Logic - my mind is set on it and there's nothing you can do to convert me to Pro Tools...)
Why do you want to run Logic specifically? You could get a Presonus Firebox and get Cubase LE with it...a much better interface than the M-audio one that you have listed...
I dont want to go into which program too much...thing is I have used Logic for many years and know it inside out. I like its clean interface and the way it runs smoothly.

I've decided to upgrade those monitors to M-Audio BX5's - is this a good idea? I absolutely can't stretch my budget over £500, so the firebox is not an option...