New studio site, does it render well?


Hey Guys,

Finally finished my new studio site (it's taken a day or two) and it's completed.......i hope.


I will be buying a proper domain as soon as i get a chance.
What i want to know is...any problems that you can see?
Does everything render well in all browsers?
Any layout issues? or design issues that could be improved.

well that dirty ego font needs to be anti-aliased, as does the tribal logo. plus.. tribal designs went out of style like 10 years ago didn't they? i'm pretty sure all those jocks that got them all over their body are looking at laser removal right about now...
ok.......a few questions.

1- How the hell did you know the font was called 'dirty ego'???

2- Anti-aliased?? uh?

3- The tribal designs......well if you ask me, it sucks.

The studio started as 'tribalstudio' becuase i couln't think of a name and at the time i was in a band called 'tribal fire'.
Anyway something needs to go there. I just didn't know what :confused:

you got some ideas?
I think the website's pretty cool. Watch your spelling and things though.
I think the proper spelling is "Sibilius" (?). Not sure, but maybe you should check. Also, I don't think you have Yamaha MXL992 mics - probably another typo. Otherwise, I think the site navigates easily on WinXP.

Oh...almost forgot...don't you think it would be beneficial to put the menus at the top of the page rather than the bottom? Or both?

Just my .02
I do have MXL 992 mics. At least that's what they say on them.

Ok, i'll consider changing the menu to the top of other people agree. I think it looks ok, but then im used to it there. That's why i've asked you guys.

The site isn't 'live' to potential customers yet, as i still need to proof read it all.

Thanks guys.
dirty ego is a pretty common font among "grungy" designs. even though it looks a lot better to just crumble up a piece of paper with your logo on it and scan that in instead!
anti aliased means the edges of the font isn't all pixelated.. they'll be smoother looking. the tribal design also suffers from this.
MadAudio- Yeh, im pretty sure that MXL are owned by yamaha...actully it might be marshall..btu are marshall owned by yamaha. Lol. Either way i doesnt matter, i'll change it now.

I tried to anti aliased's not happening for some reason. Well it is, but theres no noticeable difference no matter how much i change the settings.

Instead i think i'll change the picture entirely...don't know what to though.

Ideas would be much appriciated!

(Thanks for telling me about the type madaudio)
I'd suggest putting up pics of the studio if it doesn't look like crap. There's no reason behind this other than to impress potential customers.
I think it looks alright. I used to do website design a few years ago (personally, not professionally) and this looks good to me. I see no problem with the links at the bottom.

It looks pretty good to what I see. I personally HATE Anti-aliase would be a good thing for the title and other images. You really need to make your site viewable in ALL screen resolutions...dont worry about UNDER 800x600. Because people have to use the horizontal scrollbar at 800x600 and it's annoying already with the frames you know lol? You might want to bring the pages link's colors brighter a little bit for view. I had to squint a little bit on the main page. Glad to see that you've used CSS though :) instead of pasting the CSS into each <head> of EVERY page...just attach the style sheet. Your page will load a little bit faster (not that it matters to people with high-speed internet... but with poor suckers with 56k lmao...). And it wont have to load the CSS individually every time you load a just links to your cookies which is faster. The navigation should either go on TOP or Left...or right if it's really obvious. Becauser you want your visitors to have the easiest way to navigate around your site, and we read left to right, top to bottom, so from a design point of view that would be best. Also, what are you going to be using for uploading your news? Hope I helped you some :)
I dont mean to sound like an idiot...I just didnt realise people still had stuff showing at 800x600.

What can i do to change it?

Yeh, i'll make the links a differnent colour. Thanks for the tip.

I'll update it with the new CSS script. Nice one.

If i move the Nav bar then the design of it will be totally changed, thats the only issue. So i think i'll leave it where it is for the moment, then when i next re-design the site (in a few months no doubt) i'll change it.

For uploading the news.... well i'll just update the text in the files within dreamweaver.