New Studio Projects CS series and Ribbon Mics?

nat g.

New member
Taken from a somewhat hi-jacked thread:

alanhyatt said:
Sorry paddy...We are moving up. Next stop is the CS Series, and the new Ribbon Mics....

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
Studio Projects Joemeek Toft Audio

I thought a new thread would probably be a more appropriate place to ask for some details on these hinted-at microphones.

I'm sure many people would be interested to hear about upcoming microphone ideas and designs. So, how about some info, Alan or someone else at PMI? "Ribbon mics," as in "more than one ribbon mic" planned? What's in the CS series? Same as the previously mentioned E series?

Moving SP mics deep into the mid-range or significantly into the high end of new microphones is a welcome move in my view.

(Side note: I haven't been here in a while, and I appreciate the moderation that is now present. Thanks.)
I too am VERY interested in hearing about an SP ribbon mic. But I come from the opposite (bargain shopper) point in the spectrum. Alan, will you have something that comes in below $300? That seems to be the price point at which ribbons begin. Also, any other details of what you're thinking of, a timeline, etc, would be GREAT appreciated.

DJL: With all respect, I'm asking the question directly. Please don't attack someone for simply answering a question on a forum. You are free not to read past this post if you think "spam" may follow. Thanks.
Han... if he does, do you think it is ok for him to include spam along with his answer?
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Look DJL, spam is in the eyes of the beholder. I am not ready to make you the arbitor of spam. I suspect most here would agree with me. I asked the question - I just want an answer from the guy who knows.
[spam_filter]I believe that the CS Series has been mentioned in the past here and on other forums. As for the ribbons . . . well I don't think the old man should have dropped that bomb already and I'm just going to refrain completely from talking about them, sorry to disappoint you guys. Besides do we really need another thread locked?[/spam_filter]

So in effort to keep this as spam free as possible I'll be happy to address direct questions about the CS mics.
To Nat, no the CS will not be like the fore mentioned E Series mics. I consider them to be more like a bridge between the C and E Series.
DJL said:
Han... if he does, do you think it is ok for him to include spam along with his answer?
I think a month of you off this board would do you and the board a world of good.
DJL said:
Han... if he does, do you think it is ok for him to include spam along with his answer?
Absolutely, since a few folks might even PURCHASE one.
So to get back to the topic at hand....

When I asked Alan about the CS series at the show he said that they would be shaped completely different, similar to the BLUE baby bottle if I remember correctly, and that they would be a "step up" from the C series. They're going to be some sweet mics as Alan tells it. He said nothing about any ribbon mics, but he did hint at a few "even higher-end" mics. He might have been refering to the ribbons, I don't know. He said they were going to be "really weird looking" and that they sound great. Of course all that did was pique my interest, but he wouldn't tell me any more.
DJL said:
Han... if he does, do you think it is ok for him to include spam along with his answer?

Don, imagine I'm the newbie (lol) and I'm asking this forum: what's the difference between a B1 and a B3?

Alan answers with: the B1 is cardioid only and the B3 has three patterns; cardioid, omni and fig 8, besides that the B3 has a pad switch and it sounds a tad different from the B1.

Now that would be a helpful and nice way of answering a simple question, which is not as simple for newbies as for you and me.

And most of the time Alan answers this way, only every once in a while he gets a little too passionate which I can fully understand, he is human like all of us and makes mistakes like we all do.

Have a nice day man!
Actually the CS Series will have a different look but they won't be as drastic as that, its the E Series that will have a very different look all thanks to Brent.
So is there any chance of some pics any time soon? I mean - you don't have to tell us about the inner workings or any trade-secret type stuff....I just want to ogle over them for a while :D
Well with respect to Brent, Alan wasn't supposed to even mention that he was coming up with completely new aesthetic designs. And I know Brent is very proud of his work and would like it to remain a surprise, so, sorry but no chance of any behind the scenes looks at these mics.
Justin Hyatt said:
I believe that the CS Series has been mentioned in the past here and on other forums.

Can anyone point me to any threads about the CS series or E series? "CS" isn't a long enough search term here, so that makes it pretty hard to find.

I know I shouldn't get excited about vaporware products about which only a few hints are dropped, but, well, microphones are just really cool. I can't help it.

I'm like Fab4ever, actually. I'm a bargain shopper. Still, I'm realistic about what you get when you pay little. I'd like to see something twice as expensive as Nady and Oktava and three or four times as good. I want good stuff, and I can tell the difference, but I'm cheap. Sad.

Thanks everyone for your information.
nat g. said:
Can anyone point me to any threads about the CS series or E series? "CS" isn't a long enough search term here, so that makes it pretty hard to find.
Add the wildcard "*"... for example, CS*

EDIT: Note... the search fuction is temporarily disabled.

Searching Temporarily Disabled... speed things up a bit (a lot?) on the server.

JUST temporary!
-- Dragon
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SP guys: thanks for the good info.

The rest of you: turn on your squelch filter. I swear there is just as much bandwidth wasted on bitching about DJL as he creates on his own.

Use the squelch, Luke.
