New Squire Vintage Modified TB Bass


New member
My new Squire VM TB Bass arrived yesterday.

It is a beautiful thing to behold, the frets are finished kind of unusual
for a squire. The finish is as good as it gets book matched ash front
and back over bass wood keeps it fairly light. I haven't torn it apart
yet but because of the quality of sound and absence of any hum I
suspect it must have been sprayed inside with conductive paint.
This model has only one neck mounted pick up but the tone gives
you any tone you want, very surprising.

There was one huge problem though ;) It looks like something went
wrong somewhere in shipping as one tuning key was completely
broken off and another slightly bent. I bought this from Sam Ash
my first buy with them so I hoping they will just send me a couple
of tuners or give me a deal on some Fender vintage tuners.

I've only had a couple of basses but this is by far the best sounding
I've ever played howbeit I not exactly in the right key due to the
broken tuner ;(