New Songs

Hi Ian,

My favorite is "I Would" followed by "A little Deeper".

"I Would" has evocative wistful lyrics, and I like how you resolve the melody at the end of each chorus. I halfway expected it to build up with drums and such only to come down again, but as it is, it floats nicely.

"A Little Deeper": nice energetic number, and good doubling of vocals.

Two things: the particular beat combined with the bass playing kept me waiting for the song to cut loose; the rhythm was as if it was holding back for something big to happen. I could hear a Hammond B-3 kick in about halfway through to lift this one to the next level with perhaps the drums changing to a bit more of a driving beat.

It could be just my system, but the bass seems a little shy in the mix on that one; it is doing a lot, but it doesn't quite seem prominent enough.

Thanks for an enjoyable listen, and keep at it :)

Thanks for your feedback.

I think you may be right about the bass on "A Little Deeper". I'll try and bring it forward in the mix and see how it sounds.