New songs

There's some good ideas there, and definitely some nice playing. (Not just saying that because you're from the same small town as me!) I particularly liked the vocals and felt that you had made a good job of shifting between sounds, if that makes sense. Reminds me of Suede somehow, which is definitely meant as a compliment.

However I do have some comments which you can take or ignore as you choose (trying to be constructive rather than critical)

First off there is too much energy in the upper mid range, and nowhere near enough bass. Sounds like you mixed it on a bass heavy system. On mine, where I can listen to my reference CD's for hours without fatigue, yours was getting quite painful to listen to after about 3 minutes. Just too spiky.

Second, that chromatic chord change sequence is nice, but you're labouring it to death. Musically, it needs something else.

Third - it's too long!

Where are you based, and what did you use to record and mix on?
