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Awesome song dude!(all fall down) I didn't get a chance to listen to the other yet. I'm impressed that you did it all yourself. What kind of gear did you use?
Great said you wanted comments so here goes...I would rather the lead vocals in "All Fall Down" be more to the middle of the mix than to one side...that's just my op, hey everybody's a freakin' song and well played....nowwwww..."Sail Away" is my fave by far....but like the above on the lead vocals...(sorry, it's just me, if any vocals get a left or right, I prefer 'em to be the back-ups...)...the organ was a total surprise after hearing the first tune and at first listen I thought hmmmm a little Wallflowers thing, but the second time I played the song I realized I liked it there...this song has a George Harrison connection somewhere out there in the place where good music is made...this is a good vibes song that I enjoyed a lot...I think yer Kravitz mention on the site is completely wrong...he should be so lucky to write a tune like this.....gibs

thanks so much for the kind words. I agree about the panned vocals thing. Thats what I get for goofing around.
Sounds great! Real cool stuff. I like the changes and the backing vocals quite a bit. The recording sounds great. "Sail Away" reminds me a little of Jellyfish. Not much, just a little. I love the bass work on both tunes. Great job, man! As brokenwindow said, I'd love to know what gear you use.
Great work, all this great free music coming in on this site, I may never buy another cd. Sail away, great harmony, maybe a little less crash cymbal, or lower volume.
Very very good! much-o talent! I agree with gibs I hear George Harrison some where here, mabey a bit, very good mix! man this place just keep's getting better and better.

good nite johnboy.