New Song

VSpaceBoy said:
Hey guys.. I have a new song that I would like for you to listen and comment on the tracking/mixing. No vox yet but anything else please feel.. especially the drums! :mad:

Thanks!! :D

Good Luck Charm

Hey Space,

I love the actual drumming itself, it really seems to warm up and take it's place once the tune gets up and rolling.
The guitar I think is a little buried and seems to fight the piano for space, not the frequencies but the volumes of the two instruments. I would like to hear the guitar bought up in volume , just slightly by maybe 1 or 2 db's.

I am looking forward to hearing the vocals tracked for this tune Space!!

Overall the tune is well arranged, maybe a lead guitar solo somewhere in there, or even licks dispersed through the phrasing of the vocal lines.

Well done Space, I look forward to hearing this progress.

Gorty :)
I know everyone here will disagree with me but i didn't like the drums at all in the quiet part of the song. Just my personal pref. but they just seemed really over the top after a time repetitive. I thought they sounded fine in the latter part when the crunchy guitar kicks in. Overall through pretty good song, look forward to hearing some vocals.

J Mac.
rayc said:
"The change is a bit overfamiliar" Not unoriginal but close to something else.

"the solo/arpeggio is way to hackneyed for the rest of the piece" what does "hackneyed" mean? Anyhow, it is a little boring, but its meant to compliment the vocals (that aren't there yet). I do plan on adding some leads in the middle of the song.
Yeah, it's a "Been Done Before" thing, though if they carry a vocal line they won't get as much scrutiny. It's just that with the explosion of ideas in the song there are a couple of less imaginatice spots that stand out in comparison. There are a million variations to an appeggio. Why not experiment with something less safe?
As I inferred - I nit picked BECAUSE I like the piece a lot & want it to achieve its potential.
Mayhap the vocal will ice the thing perfectly & all my comments will be quibbling little nothings.

Ok that makes sense. I guess I agree to.

And.. absolutely nit pick!! Its a hell of a lot better than to hear friends and family say. "Its the best in the world" all the time at every song!! :rolleyes:
Gorty said:
Hey Space,

I love the actual drumming itself, it really seems to warm up and take it's place once the tune gets up and rolling.
The guitar I think is a little buried and seems to fight the piano for space, not the frequencies but the volumes of the two instruments. I would like to hear the guitar bought up in volume , just slightly by maybe 1 or 2 db's.

I am looking forward to hearing the vocals tracked for this tune Space!!

Overall the tune is well arranged, maybe a lead guitar solo somewhere in there, or even licks dispersed through the phrasing of the vocal lines.

Well done Space, I look forward to hearing this progress.

Gorty :)

I agree. So far in the mix I have bumped up the piano and clean guitar. I'll add leads, I'm wanting to hear those two but I'm having a hard time with the vocals. Well, that I suck! :mad:
fasterthanu said:
I know everyone here will disagree with me but i didn't like the drums at all in the quiet part of the song. Just my personal pref. but they just seemed really over the top after a time repetitive. I thought they sounded fine in the latter part when the crunchy guitar kicks in. Overall through pretty good song, look forward to hearing some vocals.

J Mac.

Thanks for the feedback!!