New song, please critique it!! ROCK

Analytical Man

New member

Here is a new song that my friend and i have finished...any thoughts on the mix, performance, or whatever could make it better are welcome. It is a song about my brother who has spent half of his life in prison. I played everything except for the bass which was handled by my cyber bandmate Mitch.


song is called- Dying From Within
It's a cool song. The vox and hi hats (and possibly all cymbals) are too low in the mix. Overall you may want to cut the low end a bit and try and brighten it up a bit on the high end.
Could use more cymbals & some definition in the bass when everything is slamming. It has that def. in the quieter sections but it need diff EQ for the rest.
Personally I don't like the distirtion on the guitars - it's the generic genre prerequisite I know - just not my cuppa.
Some of the arppegios seem slightly out of time.
A little tweaking & you should be all good.
Good work so far however.
I agree about the distortion. The clean arpeggio is killing the vocals, is too loud.
The cymbals are too low in the mix, and they seems to be fake, maybe i'm wrong.
The rest sounds good... no complains.

Cheers, and happy new year!
drums up (they sound a little dry too), vocals up and the jobs a good one sounded great to me
Some serious guitar layering and delay in the intro of the "heavy" guitar tracks. I REALLY dig the vocals whoever that is singing. From a mix standpoint I think it rocks. From a production standpoint, I think it rocks, maybe a few tweaks in the "clean" guitar parts especially up front to soften a couple of very minor hard spots. From a song standpoint I think it rocks.
Pretty cool.

The cymbals probably are too quiet, but I'm not really complaining. I prefer cymbals too quiet over too loud.

The growled vocals could probably use some more reverb. They sound like the vocalist is right next to the listener. (Although if your intent is to make it sound like he's standing at a reasonable distance and runs right up to the listener's face whenever he growls, you've achieved that pretty well. Kudos! :D )

The vocal effect that you use on the first verse is probably uneccessary on the second.
It's a pretty generic song, but I think it sounds pretty good. The perfectly quantized machine-gun drumming sounds pretty ridiculous, but it fits the genre very well. Good guitar sounds. Good bass for my set up. Needs more
"overheads" or whatever you use to glue the drums into a more cohesive space.

Here is a new song that my friend and i have finished...any thoughts on the mix, performance, or whatever could make it better are welcome. It is a song about my brother who has spent half of his life in prison. I played everything except for the bass which was handled by my cyber bandmate Mitch.


song is called- Dying From Within

The beginning is a little dry (needs what the vox have in terms of reverbfield), but very clear and defined. Once the wall of sound comes in, definition goes out the window, it's like being caught in a riptide. I think the bottom end needs a little more control; and like has been said, the cymbals definitely need to make themselves heard. Vox are a bit down from where I think they might need to be. There are a few minor timing issues here and there; but they are correctable ones. An intense and compelling song!!
Hey guys thanks for the listen...

Kerriobrown...thanks for the listen and i think i agree on the cymbal volume

RayC...thanks for the listen, cymbals definately need more volume, and i was really struggling with the bass in this mix, you are right i think the heavy bass parts are in need of some other EQ-ing. I may have edited the arppeggio section and bumped the wavefile...have to take a look.
What about the heavy guitar tone is it that you don't like???

zero00...thanks for the listen, i was wondering if the arpeggio section was to loud, my thoughts on that have been confirmed
What about the heavy guitar tone is it that you don't like???

Kceal...thanks for the listen...drums up, you must be a drummer huh?

Seeker Of Rock...thanks for the listen and your prasies. I don't really care much for the sound of my own voice but i am glad you liked. Thanks

VomiHatSteve...thanks for the listen, well i was trying to make the heavy vocals a little more aggressive by leaving them upfront but it sounds like i have overdone it.

GregL...thanks for the listen, the drums on most metal/rock albums are quantized, so i do it as well, although the orginal tracks are played about 99% of the way there so even if i did not quantize the drums you would think i did because i am a very picky drummer when it comes to playing with the metronome, and my beats are very tight(not trying to toot my own horn) I totally agree on the overheads needing to come up. Again i struggle with cymbals due to trying to sound like whats coming out of the scene these days...cymbals are usally pretty low in this genre. Thanks again.

Llarion...thanks for the listen. I agree that when the heaviness kicks in the definition is not there. I am a sucker in the loudness wars game. Most folks i know that listen to this style of music want it to slam, they don't want to reach for the volume when a song comes i try and squeeze every bit of volume i can get, which i know loses the definition. It definately has alot to do with the bass in this song, it was not playing nicely with the rest of the instruments.
Hey, like the song. Lots of good comments already. the only thing I could add would be about the vocal. I'm not crazy about the effect on the vocal being near the same level as the dry part. As already mentioned, you should probably bring the vocal up a bit, but I would suggest leaving the delayed effect comparitively lower. Know what I mean? Just raise the dry part, not the effect part of the vocal. just my opinion...

cool man.