New Song -Our New Machines

It's kind of a cool song. Quirky and cool.

Vocals need to come up a couple of dbs.

Double tracked vocals in the chorus would probably sound good. Harmonies would too.

The low end seems a little lacking.

The last syllable of "fantasy" at 2:24 is a little flat. The last syllable of the same word at 2:32 is sharp.

Cool song.
Thanks for the feedback.

You are right, the low-end is lacking a little. I kept the bass in this song a little more defined and less bottom end than usual. I was thinking about adding a sub-bass track to compensate.

I know about the tone-deaf singing too. I should correct this by re-recording it as auto tune plugs tend to get a little too processed sounding for my taste.

I appreciate the honest review. Keep them coming.
Bump. Any other feedback is appreciated. It is a SHORT song by my standards. It will not take you very long to listen. Some of my other songs are longer and more drawn out. This one is short and sweet.

Hey pappy

Im not on my daw so this is logic speakers and a sub woofer so cant really be too critical

It does sound very busy, and while the levels all sounded good Id probably have liked a little more separation...or build up

I think the bass is fine, if you add a sub its probably going to be lost on most systems, hell even my nearfeilds dont go below 50Hz...Id say its the kick thats losing you're bottom end...Id fatten it right up, Id boost it around the 70hz mark, or layer another kick sample on top and give it some reverb...whatever thats where the energy is missing in my opinion...

I liked it all apart from those small nits, good song and vibe, and well played :)

I like this one...vocals have a cool strained quality that reminds me of that guy from Public Image Limited a little - actually the whole thing does. Gutars are whacky and cool. Bass sounds good.

Mix-wise, I think the vocals could come up a bit, at least during the verses when everything else is going full bore. There is clutter - some of which may be unavoidable given the sounds you've chosen...but anymore separation you could achieve might be good.

I like the various drop outs where many elements are removed and added back...helps retain interest. Quirky - check. Fun - check. Nice :)
Interesting song, trying to place who it reminds me of.. Some things already noted, bring up vocals, more seperation if possible.

I listened on headphones but I thought the vocal track was a bit muffled. maybe just a slight tweak to brighten up the track. Pitch problem may just be an issue of diaphram support..

As mentioned, a fun song, just needs some polishing IMO.
Thanks for the feedback and help.

I started remixing with these ideas in mind. I like the idea of "seperation". By this do you just mean panning and eq, or something else? I have tried to eq all the main instruments and make specific spots for each one. Any other tips?

Thanks again.

Remixed with a slight boost on the kick at 80hz with the bass rolled back at 80. Vocals mixed slightly higher with a little more comp.

I think I like the vocals a little lower in the mix but let me know what you think. It might just be my self-consciousness about my own voice.

Thanks for all the tips and keep the feedback rolling. It is great having other people judge the mix who have not listened to it a million times before.
Not digging the composition, performances or arrangement. But pruning/editing could make it a less chaotic listen.

I like groove...explicit and motivating.
I like melody.

I like unity in some parts to create waves of power.

This tune scores very low on my list of likes.

But that don't mean it's bad. Just not for me. Couldn't make it to the ending.
Anyone else with other thoughts? You guys have given me some great tips towards making this and my other songs better. I appreciate it!