New song on mp3

hey man, kewl song,,,,,very driving, tons of energy, i like how it is always pushing,,,,,,for my tastes, i'd like to hear the vocals up, they sound good, just need to come up, also i can hear what i think is a chorus or flange on the vocals, turn the wetness down,,,or maybe it's just how your vocals sound and it could all be fixed by bringing the vocals up,,,,,the drums r wicked, good work, but they could comeup in the mix 2,,,,,the guitar sound is giving everything and overall midrange sound, i know that a good midrange guitar will cut through killer (ala randy rhodes) but that only works if the bottom end is up front,,,maybe when u were recording background noise from monitor speakers possibly? what i mean is, maybe when u were trying to listen and record a part, the music was coming through the monitors also and not just the speakers? that also might add to that midrange noise,,,i don't know, what the hell do i know anyways eh? lol,,,,,,,,,good tune man right on!!!
peace :o) ah yeah, sorry,,,,,the tune i listened to was "things in me",,,,,,.
Cheers mate, I must say thats the kind of critisim I like to hear, the good ones.

Yeah when it comes to recording I do not know alot and if you would see my equipment you would see why the sound quality is a bit off. But thanks for the positive responce.

I am busy listening to the stuff on , is that your stuff? - good and hard, I must say

If that is what you are into, goto: and

Cheers for now
lol, nope that's not me, umm, i took my page down, i'm gonna be offline fer about 3 months, i wasn't really happy with the sound i was getting using what i had to use also,,,,,,,,,,so it's down,,,,,i'll be up 'n' runnin' sooner than later,,,,,,keep fighting the good fight, over and out fer a bit......peace