New song on

King Soda

New member
ok...the song is called TWO WORLDS and i think that, as far as the recording is concerned, its propably a million times better than the last one...monday night. I reviewed all your criticism on the last song and i hopefully learned something about recording music. This song was recorded with exactly the same setup as monday night...guit,bass direct and programmed drums. I even added some acoustic guitar to the verses to give the recording some depth. The volume levels are better and the guitar signal is not as distorted. The vocals pretty much suck,both performance and recording and you can propably hear that i don't know anything about recording vocals. So this is very you guys come in...

Please listen to the track and give me some constructive criticism. I want to improve my vocal-recording skills so all sorts of ideas would be appreciated. I also want to know what you think about the song itself,if it sucks say so, if it doesn't PLEASE so so ! Catch you later...

hey there, just listened to yer tune, well,,u got a hit on yer hands, um i would recommend bringing your vocals up in the mix, maybe less efx, it's making u sound thinner than your voice could sound, if u bring your vocals up close on the lower parts and back of just about 5inches from the mic on the louder parts, would help out a lot, now if u were to add just a smidge of compression to your vocals when u hit the louder higher parts, u could stay closer to the mic as i said,,,,,,,,what u want is to just round off those peaks when loud,,,i like the tune, it's fune and well put together, don't have to be a progressive nut to slam out a good tune...the crowd will love u for it, cause all's they'll do is jump up and down all night long to tunes like that, now how could ya walk away with a bad feeling from that eh,,,keep-up the fun tunez.....peace.
definitely fatten up the vocals with some eq....add more Low end. that would help a lot. also raise the vocal level overall. its too thin and low sounding. other than that, the music is mixed well and its a good tune!
ok...thanks again on your comments. Ill try to add some low end to the vocals. What kind of reverb should i use for the vox,everytime i add some reverb to the vocal tracks they end up sounding really thin and weak. I have a bad habit to mix the vocal tracks TOO low...i guess im not used to hearing my singing...
hello there, um i know, i have a hard time with listening to my vocals too, and i'm a crappy engineer, lol, depending on what u want, i kinda like a slippery sound but yet still there and solid,,,i don't record much but this is what i have used so far,,,,i use a delay/reverb in one(the one in cakewalk pro9 audio efx, i use the settings at,,,,1 slapback (one repeat),,,,468.00 miliseconds
on both sides, with the wetness (efx) on real low, like 26% efx,,73% dry vocal,,the feedback is real low on both sides too, like around 16%,,,,i use this for normal singing
and for the back-ups i use the same but i turn up the wetness to like 32% and the feedback up to 35%,,,,,but this is for my taste on a tune i just recorded,,, the tune is called "cry", sorry the lo-fi doesn't werk,,,also i sing really outta tune lol,,,,,peace :o) oh yeah, i also recorded it with my $10.00 computer mic,,,,big studio here eh lol,,, not!!!
flattop - Very impresive work on "Cry" for such a small budget. It is like Billy Idol meets U2. Great Vocals.
hey thanx fishmed although, i haven't found a confident singing voice yet, i'm always singing flat lol, peace
flattop. The problem with you singing flat is a problem with most singers. It is because you hearyourself deferently in ear phones. when you are recording, cut your bass frequencies down and bring them up after you record.
thanx darnold, great advice,,,actually, i can't hear my vocals in the little walkman headphones i use, so i have one side of the phone on my ear to hear the music, and the other is off to hear myself singing, when i get loud i can't hear what is going on inside the headphone so i waver in and out ....but i will remember
your tip for when i can have that setup......thanx