new song, needs improvement, wanna help?

Ok since you had 11 views and no comments.

1st this is not my genre or anything that I pretend to understand so take the comment forthcoming with a grain of something, cause Im an old fart.

The drums are too loud and cardboard sounding.
the vox needs to come up.
but most of all...
Theres a helicoptering sound after a bit which sounds like when my soundcard is set to the wrong trigger frequency. kind of like a leslie cabinet on steroids.

If any of this was your intention, then so be it.
after all who am I to dictate what artistic license is taken with something I do not get ! And of course please totally disregard whatever you like from my above opinion.
:confused: :( :) :o :D ;) :p :confused: :eek: :cool: :mad: :D
