New song - Needles


New member
Hey guys.

Got a new song finally finished. If you wanna check it out and give me some feedback, id appreciate it. Tried to take all your advice from past mp3's Ive posted on here and use it to create a better sound. I think thats been achieved to some extent, although it can definately be better.

Anways, songs called Needles. Its at

Thanks for the listen, and I really do look forward to hearing what you think, and how it can be improved. Thanks guys.

Too much emphasis on the guitars I think, and I can't hear the singer very well ;)
The drums sound too thin, you need some verb, bring the toms up, and eq some of the cardboard box out of them. Bass needs more balls, or volume, one or the other... still listening , some verb is VERY needed on the drums. At least a medium room, some some predelay and the highs rolled off a little on the verb.
What is your setup?
Guitars sound pretty good., though... if you have any stereo tracks of the guitars, try running them through an S1 and make them stick out nice and big. It'll make the apparent volume go down and probably sit better in the mix.

I really like the tune.

The snare sounds a bit unreal.
The guitars sound fine

The kick is cool, but maybe a "little" more room.

cool tune
Good tune man. Pretty decent guitar sound. The drums didn't work for me though, especially the snare. The snare sound in Illusion was mucho better.

All in all pretty good recording. I don't hear a bass guitar though?

Slackmaster 2000
Hey guys, thanks for the listens and suggestions.

Slack - Theres a bass in there, you can hear it pretty well in the palm muted verse parts, but I think you are right, along with Tube, it needs to be turned up.

And yes, the snare sound does kinda suck, that was one of the problems I had kinda already pinpointed.

Tube - I hate toms. I cant ever make those things sound good. The heads on his drums had the hell beat out of them tho, so maybe I can blame some of the bad sound on that?

I dont really like the guitar sound, I think it sounds too fuzzy and lacks that thick smooth sound. Its the shoddy Randall I tell ya. That thing has to be one of the worst amps ever made. Its not the Dimebag Warhead model, its some crap ass old school one.

The drums are some newer ludwigs, but like I said, the heads were pretty beaten. The kick was a beta 52 run thru a Phonic Compressor.

You suggest doubling the bass, kick and snare? By that do u mean actually going back in and rerecording a seperate take of each, like doubling guitar tracks, rather than just simply pasting one in?

Cyan - Thanks for the listen. I do agree about the snare. I dont like the sound of it either. You really like the guitar sound? I dont care for it much, but it is alright.

Thanks for taking the time to listen and make suggestions. I will try and make some adjustments.

By doubling, I mean duplicating the track to a new track, and compressing it pretty hard, squash it good, then eq it quite a bit.
On the original track, try to cut some of the 200-400hz area, to taste, on whatever tracks you want to dupe before you dupe them. On the duped tracks, kill some of the mids, add some extra top (compression should kill some top) and whatever it takes to make it sound good. Now blend the original with the duplicated track and see if it thicken things up a bit. You results may vary. Worth a try though.