New SOng - Love to hear your comments

Sad. Nice balance in the backing track. Acstc guitar blends well. Vocal were good, kinda seemed too up front at times. Well done.
Very nice. I initially thought the vocals were a little hot and a touch dry, but I went out and listened to a couple of tracks by Norah Jones, which I thought sounded like a similar style, and you are dead on with the levels. The vocals might be a tad "airy" or "breathy" or something (technical terms :)) and that might be why they seem to stick out just a little, but that's really a nit. Also, just a quick suggestion...listen to "The Long Day Is Over" by Norah Jones. The core of the mix is very similar, but in her mix there are some really nice, wide, u-vibe tremolo-type guitar parts out to the left and right that really take the mix over the top. That might work really cool in this mix too. Just a thought...

Nice work!


Dave DeWhitt
SoundClick artist: Dave DeWhitt - page with MP3 music downloads
Nice mellow groove, good performance, cool song. Only thing I suggest is to edit or automate the vocal, I like the level, but you could lower a few peaks and raise a few quiet parts without having to compress it. It would sit alot nicer in the mix if you just took a few Db off the peaks and raised the real quiet parts a few Db. Overall really liked it!
Nice tune. My only nit is that the guitar that's up front is competing to much with the vocal at different points in the song. I feel like it should be filling in dead spots and only complementing the vocal at certain times. Good mix otherwise.
Good job overall.

My main issue is with the lead guitar. It just seems a little out of place and too up front. Especially in the intro it seems kind of forced.
The lead sometimes jumps out of the mix a bit erratically. I like your voice. Kinda like a mellower Sheryl Crow. Nice. I really like acoustic music. This song is really well constructed. A job well done.
