New song.. It's been a while.. need some feedback


New member
Hey guys, It's been a while since I've posted but I just recorded this cover song last night and I'm pretty excited about it.. I haven't done anything musically in a while and, well, this was kindof a renaissance for me. Hopefully it will help to lift my spirits.. my life's changing and I hope for the better... well, here it is:

Take it Outside

4.31 MB @ 192kbps

I still need to add drums.. that's why the guitars sound funky.. Let me know what you guys think.. I know there are a few minor pitch issues on the lead vox... and, I do need to actually BUY a bass guitar... I know that too... ok.. have at it!

-Phreak out-

the main problem i think is that all the instruments are out of tune with each other.

the bass especially, i don't know if that's out of tune, or you're just hitting the whole notes.

that distorted guitar on the right speaker really pisses me off for some reason. it's too distorted and quiet, it sounds its just hissing.

good luck.
hey, thanks sandwitches I get what you are saying.. it really helps to get someone else's ears in when you've listened to the song so many times u start to forget what the song was titled..... yeah.. It almost gets to the point where I can't even hear anything at all as far as detail goes when I listen to it... so thanks for your ears! The bass is actually the same electric guitar that I used for the guitar track only the top end was cut and the bottom end boosted and I played on the low E throughout... ( I don't own a bass yet... :-( ) I think that the guitar was out of tune to begin with... that sucks.... that rally sucks.. I might have to retrack.. but hey...

I updated the guitar tracks for those interested... or willing...

I basically ran my DI track from my electric guitar through my amplifier and ditched the DI track.. (but left the distorted guitar in the right channel :-/) as well as the chorus track in the left channel... it brings the vocals a little more up front i think... I might have even tweaked that distorted guitar a little bit closer to a "better" and "non-hissey" sound... maybe...?

Hit me back if you've got feedback.. I'll be working on this till I'm done.. any help here would be greatly appreciated..
yeah, that was originally the idea of using an aux for that effect.. "hazy" kind of describes it.... just something different... fadded out and to the right to give some stereo effect and to widen the sound stage mostly to make room for drums... I've pretty much decided that I tuned my guitar so poorly for that take that I'm probably just gonna scrap the whole thing and start from scratch... I need to track my electric guitar better next time... and I need to play more consistantly... but I guess for single takes for vox and rhythm guitar.. I'm happy with what I got.....

thanks for the input.

-Phreak out-