New Song - "I Want To Learn"

Writing songs is the best alternative I can think of to having to endure a real discussion about feelings..

Sounds real nice, man. A very well written song.

Things do seem a bit crowded to me, and you've been given plenty of suggestions to keep you busy experimenting. But let me just say you'd be a fool to keep the vocal buried like it is. It's the soul of this song.
I don't have much to add to the other mix comments - I agree that it's a little mids heavy, and that the vox should not be buried as much. But what a great performance and tune! Really nice. When you get the mix tweaked out this'll be a keeper (for my hard drive, that is.:))

Great stuff.

skids - Thx for listening. I really struggled with the levels on this tune and it looks like this is exactly what I needed - more sets of ears to give it a listen. I will try to reduce the competition this weekend.

SLuiCe - Thx man, I'll try and bring that vocal up. I hear you, it truly is a fairly simple song which is more about the vocal than anything.

groucho - Thx groucho. I got to get this right, it's a song which I happen to really like (unlike most of my songs :) )
Hey Lynxy...
........there we go. VERY nice tune man! First and foremost.... get those lead vocs up man. They sound very cool and you're robbing yourself by not getting them out front where they should be. I like the organ pad. ....nice in this tune. Nicely done strings too, I like thier staccato rhythm... ....very nice stuff here man.... ......just get those vocs up.
GODDAMN good songwriting here man!!!!
Guernica - Thanks a ton, appreciate it. The girlfriend is working so my weekend project is to make these vocals come alive. ;)
I listened a few days ago...and again today...don't remember why I didn't post the first time. Very nice! First impression was Bob Seger, but I can hear the Badfinger everyone else is talking about. Nice clean recording, very nice voice...well done!

Nice arrangement (I'm a huge fan of production!) and I can definitely here "Badfinger" in there.

I'm listening on headphones and this is pretty huge. I like how it feels my head. On headphones the vocal sounds good, but I can imagine that it may need to go up a bit on speakers/monitors.

Overall a very good tune. Well played, well written and a great arrangement!

boydrj - Thx for the arrangements comment, I spent a lot of time on this mess.

I worked with the vox last night, hopefully I post a remix or something later this week if anyone's interested in such a thing.
Downloaded last night. Listening at work with headphones.

Nice voice in there. Needs to come up IMHO. From what I catch of the lyrics, this sounds like a nice song. I think that since the lyrics seem so strong, they definitely need to be featured (vox up). Sounds well played. That snare sound is kind of bugging me.

Very nice job. I like this.