New song from our band


New member
The name of this song is Paint His World, it was written by the vocalist and I awhile ago and we managed to fully record it. The URL is, we would greatly appreciate it if anyone interested would listen and comment on it.

Here are the lyrics:

Some are mine and some are yours,
Some are keys and some are doors,
Some you can see from there sides,
others only into the eyes,
Come inside..see the ways we live,
And the ways we die.....
Look outside into their faces,
and watch their minds as it pours out through their eyes

Some are bright and some are old,
Some will burn and some are cold,
Some will smile but some will scold
Some will cry as life unfolds.....

So...Paint his World, Paint his reality
Paint his dream...then paint me

We're leaving to paint his world, cuz only he can see
what's happening to you and me....
Transfigured by a smile,
its understood what has been done and what we'll do

Some escape, Some stay
while the world around them fades away
Some are live, some are dead
While the souveneir remains inside your head
This is a great tune with great arrangements and playing!

I found the drums a bit hot at the beginning, and the last verse could use more oomph (sing louder/harder) for effect. Just a couple things that came to mind while listening.

But mostly I was very impressed with the whole thing.....
Nice intro with the lead and rhythm going on.
I like change to the mellow vocals and backing guitar at the beginning.
Then several other arrangements around verses/chorus/leads - cool.
This is just full of interesting sounds - really well done!