New song from me (Power Metal) please comment!


New member
Hi guys,

I've got a new first draft of my band (Ascension's) latest song... It's called "Against The Flame" listen here:

From listening on lots of different systems I think the bass freqs are too overpowering (esp in the kick drum) - and the vocals are a little weak (i've got a plan for them), I've also got to jig about some of the guitar volumes...

Can anyone see any other glaring things that should probably be looked at?

Thanks so much guys!
How was this recorded? What equipment was used?

I don't think the mix is too bad at all, really. I can hear all the different instruments and vocalist well enough. But there's a lot of hiss in the recording, and it's kinda got an overall muddy sound to it. It doesn't sound like it was mastered at all. The volume is also pretty low, especially for a metal track.

It's not terrible, though. Nothing some eq, compression, and noise removers/gates couldn't fix right on up. Cool song, too. Nice tight playing. I dug the guitar solo part a lot.
Ah sorry I forgot to post my recording setup lol - it's a total budget home recording setup!

We use my brother (other guitarists) Randall G3 with a Tubescreamer infront and a Boss GT8 for guitar effects... This is then picked up with a Shure SM57 pointed in to the cone, bottom right quad (ie angled to grill) for this song...

This goes into the Firebox, straight into PC/Cubase for recording. Some software effects used a bit (compression, eq, etc) and thats about it!

Marshall V67G used for vocals and Bass is DI into the Firebox...

Drums are DFH as it's far too much effort to record the drums for this kind of music and get good results - especially on a budget! Total studio cost is probably around 450 - 500 pounds I think!

I had to master this quite quickly tonight, didn't have enough time as I needed to get a first draft out to someone but when I get a chance to nail it down we should be cooking!

Thanks alot for listening!
Ah, cool. Well like I said it's not bad at all. I just think you need a little work on making the overall mix brighter and punchier, also louder. And removing some of that hiss. And maybe the bass guitar come come up a tiny bit. But um, you're well on your way. Keep at it.
I would try some different compression settings for the vocal tracks. The main vox tracks seem to jump out of the mix every so often. Other than that,..yeah,..a bit muddy sounding,..and doesnt sound powerful enough for this type of music.

Anyway,..I like the song.

Take 'er easy,..
kinda metal but has a punkish edge,gotta say i like it. Although the bass needs to be pulled down on everything except maybe the kick and then highs brought up, the only its just really dead sounding (not the playing that is just the acutally "sound")