*NEW SONG* Downer of a Day (over there too)


New member
Yo folks,

Just cross-site posting, as usual, for those who hang out here more than there. But, you can download the song over there as well as nowhere, so here's a link to the other post...
right here

And here is the link to the song on nowhere...listed under the jazz category this time.

Downer of a Day-track 6, I believe

Let me know what ya think if ya take a listen!

ps...it seems as though the site has gotten a little less buggy, but I still can only post here from work, for some reason. Damn.
Not really sure what it is that your asking for with this tune.
So,..I'll just say,...you have a great voice,...good song too!

I cannot believe no-one else hears Alicia Keyes in your tunes. I can imagine your songs with that kind of production quality,...stellar!
Keep up the good work.

Take 'er easy,....
absolutely lovely. This spatial placement your getting is very very nice, and closely intimate. I am growing very partial to it. However, I also like to hear it with you and the piano moved back a few feet in the room. Kinda like listening at around 15 to 20 ft away, a little more open house sounding. :)
Once again, really great voice you have! Only wish I could sing half as good as you. Very nice song here. Love the changes that happen in the song.

By the way, what software are you using?

I just got to hear this unfortunately I don't have a sound card here at work, but I will most certainly give it an AUDIENCE over @
www.recordingproject.com !

Was I s'posed to say that!?;)
Hey Mistercue,

Cool! I've seen your posts many a time, will be interested in hearing your opinion on the Alicia Keyes issue.

Calwood, I've often thought this about myself too, so I have been wondering if anyone else thought so as well. I think I sound maybe more like her than Nora, and the two are really stylistically different, but there is maybe a bit of those girls in me, and even some others too, I suppose.

But, I've been this way stylistically before I heard of either of them, so I can feel confident in that, at least. There is some stuff that Alicia does that blows me away, and it is not something I feel I could do, but who knows, maybe she has some outside help, that way.

Wong, I'll send you a pm on this also, but I made a mistake in saying that nskit has brush drums. It is another soundfont of drums...do a search for maestro drums. They have several kits, one of which is a brush font. I just bought some Wizoo stuff yesterday online, a soul kit, an RnB kit, a jazz brush/latin kit, and a ballad kit. Unfortunately, they are all in formats that I thought my dr-008 would like, but it don't. So, I'm taking a crash course today in creating my own soundfont, because Awave doesn't convert them well either. I'll figure it out. There are too many wav files in each to just start assigning each to a key, and I want to use the velocity layers, since that is the way they are meant to be used.

And I keep saying I'm not using drums anymore. I lie.
Toki, you're a good man!
Thanks all,

Just checked out the Maestro drum samples. They sound very real with all those detailed sounds. You can actually hear the snare rattle!

One prob is, I noticed that the file with the brushes doesn't have the sounds of the whole kit. How do you combine the sounds from the file with the whole kit with the brushes file when you're programming the drums? Sorry for asking so much as you see I'm still quite a newbie to this...
