NEW SONG! critique?


New member
here's a song i just finished writing. it's called "never my friend." just finished recording it in my room. would appreciate critiques of the song and/or the recording. or you can just listen. or not.

never my friend
I liked this. It is quite quirky. I do think by singing "get the fuck out" you are limiting the audience of the song but apart from that I really liked it. Are you playing all the instruments? What did you record this on?

Nice one
let me first say thanks for listening.
you're probably right about the limiting audience...but ahh it's just what i felt like saying. i'm sure i could fill it with "you've run your luck out" if for some weird reason it was ever needed.
all of the instruments and vocals are'll have to excuse the out of tune cello. it's been a while. the muscle memory's a bit off.
it was recorded on my computer with a tascam us-122 sound card and a couple cheapo mxl mics that i got a deal on from guitar center a year ago.

i meant to put up the lyrics earlier. here they are:

well i'm walkin round town just the other day
and i bump into a friend who was crossin my way
and he told me bout some things i expected you'd say
and he told me bout some things i expected you'd say

well i already told you it ain't gonna be easy
and i called you on the phone and i said you were skeezy
and i think you know you could never please me
and i think you've always known you could never please me

and i've told you once or twice
i don't need your advice
i don't need your advice

and i've told you time and again
you were never my friend
you were never my friend

and i'm telling you to get the fuck out
oh yea, you have struck out
you have really struck out

and it doesn't matter if it's not true
the point is that it's just some-
thing i expected you'd do

well i came to this conclusion way before we cracked
that you couldn't keep an envious friendship intact
and i've always known you've hated me for something you lacked

so you go behind my back to try to bring me grief
thinkin you can run away with my trust like a thief
and you use all my problems just to try to give you relief

Don't get me wrong I wasn't disapproving. It is just that I heard James Blunt recently and he keeps swearing in his songs and I think that is a touch too easy and detract from the focus of the song. Hey if that is how you feel and it fits the song go for it! I liked the Cello a lot.
Nice tune. I like the vibe... feels kind'a Modest Mouse meets Ben Kweller. (a good thing IMO)

It could use a touch of studio polish.... a light reverb, double the guitar part, compress the vocals, auto-tune the cello.

I like the song. The above comments are totally my opinion and intended to be constructive. You could have artistic reasons for not doing any of them, after all you "dont need my advice." ;)
haha no i appreciate it a lot man. and you're totally right. i just don't have the tools for that in my own little "studio" here or else it'd have already been done. thanks