New Song - criticism please!


New member
Here's our new song "Havoc" (don't let the name fool you)

Okay, so we got through the drums, rhythm guitars, and bass when it got late and we called it quits. So, my questions to you are many: How's it sound? What sort of flaws do you hear in this mix? What should I change, etc etc etc?
Let me know what you think. As always, thanks, guys!

Hi ishou

Let's go through the different instruments:

*To me the hi-hats are too loud and not sharp enough, which tends to make the mix sound agressive. Since you're playing rock (and not pop) I don't think the snare is loud enough, and I feel it should make a more pronounced "clack" sound, which you get with loads of compression.

*Bass: I like the deep punchy sound but it's too loud! It appears to dominate the mix. Apart from that the bass sounds good.

*Plenty of hissing as the start of the song, if it's the guitar, you might want remove it with an equalizer...

Basically, what you need to do is clean up the drums (that make the mix a bit messy) and the rest should sound really good.

I hope this helps- SM
Wow! thanks, man! I was wondering what my snare was missing. That's the one thing that was bothering me. Hissing of the guitar at the beginning was either intentional or a result of the wah (i cranked the 9kHz at the beginning for the rhythm guitar). And the bass, well my friends insist on having the bass loud. They want the bass "kicking their ass" and keep telling me "bass sells!" Perhaps I shouldn't listen to my friends, eh? ;)
Anybody else have any advice?