New site for my home studio...FEEDBACK???


New member
I just set up a new site for my modest home studio. For the past year, my rate has maintained $18/hour. I am recording part time right now (-20 hours/week). I am looking into building a designated recording studio on my property. Business is going well now, but I will probably keep my job for a long time and do this part time. This seems like a shaky time for the recording business (probably because of people like me!). Any feedback would be appreciated.
The text on the left side clashes quite awfully with the red background... might be more readable to most, but for me (colorblind), it hurts my eyes and isn't viewable unless I highlight the text and it changes contrast.

Also, on the equipment page, the pics are links to the testimonial page, and (just as I assumed), I figure most would assume clicking on the pic would blow it up, perhaps in its own window.

Otherwise, nice studio setup, good site.
Honestly, it made my head hurt. There is quite a bit of colors clashing (like someone else has mentioned), and some text is hard to read.

Also, nothing grates me more then page titles like "Untitled", "New Page 1", "Website Template"

Sorry to be harsh, but if this is your business, you want to give folks the best impression possible. Good luck though!
Get rid of the 'website template' title in the page. If people know you are using a template it's not very 'professional'.

The top part of the page with the logo and main navigation links look good.

The red background looks bad. At least with the other colors of the page. It's hard to read.

Looks like it was done by someone who doesn't know much about web design.

Not trying to offend, I've seen a lot worse. But I think just a few minor changes in colors will make it a LOT better.
Thanks for the honest feedback. I am still new to building sites. I still can't figure out how to title each page something other than "Website Template". I guess I better stick to recording. What did you think about the samples?
For the title, one of the html files must have a <title>Website Template</title> tag somewhere. As Im not sure how the site is structured, and whether you are coding html or using a program, its hard to tell.
pappy999 said:
Thanks for the honest feedback. I am still new to building sites. I still can't figure out how to title each page something other than "Website Template". I guess I better stick to recording. What did you think about the samples?

I looked again and it looks much better with the gray background.

Also, if you open the .html files in notepad you'll see the HTML code.

Read the comments to figure out how to change stuff, for example, the title as cubassman said (starting at line 4 in the HTML file)

<title>Website Template</title>

You can replace that for each page.
Nice website. I would change the resolution of the pics or change the format to decrease the file size though, cause they take a hell of a long time to load comparing to other websites!
Just Looked At It, I Personally Dont Like Websites Wher Eu Have To Keep Scrolling Down To Get To More Info . . I Prefer A Page With "no Scrolling" Needed - But Multiple Links To Go To ":another" Page ./ . .

Thats My 1.5 Pennies . .