New rough recording


New member
I have been helping my firends band record for a while. We are all really starting to get serious about it. Im almost done recording about 6 of their songs. This is what i think is the best one.

In cubase the drums and bass sounded a lot louder but after mixdown they seemed to have dropped in level. So i think ill need to make them louder.

This is still rough, there are still parts that i need to edit and there are no vocals yet, but im looking for some criticism before i finish.

Also i think the drums sound a little bit empty, i think it was the room we recorded in. Is there anything i can do about their sound?
ConcreteHippo said:
I have been helping my firends band record for a while. We are all really starting to get serious about it. Im almost done recording about 6 of their songs. This is what i think is the best one.

In cubase the drums and bass sounded a lot louder but after mixdown they seemed to have dropped in level. So i think ill need to make them louder.

This is still rough, there are still parts that i need to edit and there are no vocals yet, but im looking for some criticism before i finish.

Also i think the drums sound a little bit empty, i think it was the room we recorded in. Is there anything i can do about their sound?
Bass and guitars sound good..
Drums sound a little "ehh"ish.. a little in the back..

I personally don't have any experience with recording drums, as I don't have the proper equipment to.. but do you have a separate track for each piece of the drum kit?

Maybe bring up the snare a little.. and to me they need some more "presence" or high freqs. or something.

I'm not the expert there, though.

The rest is sounding pretty good.