New Reggae Song


New member
Hey guys :)

This is a mix I've done for my band's upcoming album. I'm pretty happy with it, but I guess perspective is what I'm after. So I'm hoping to enlist the help of some fresh ears to nitpick the hell out of this thing (without being too nasty :p). It's actually the first mix I've gotten around to letting this fabulous community tear apart, so I'm keen to see what you all think :D

I plan on getting it mastered professionally, so I guess one of my main questions would be if this mix (obviously not in MP3 format) is prepared for such an endeavor? I've never had my work professionally mastered, so I'm a tad nervous about it, and don't want to send in mixes that don't live up to a certain standard. I've tried to leave plenty of headroom, but I'll admit my knowledge of such topics is rather limited.

Here's the link:

Thanks for listening!
I'll admit my knowledge of such topics is rather limited as well, but here is my opinioin. Very nice job, although I think the vocals are a little pitchy in spots. Bong noise was a cool effect. Overall I beleive that it was very well done. Good job.
Cheers for the feedback detroitroadrage :)

Yeah I agree with you on the vocals. We're re-layering several segments of several songs over the next few days, so that should all get fixed up.
The bass should have more beef. Sounds like it doesnt have any compression on it. In reggae this is a must since is the instrument that practically drives all the song in the shoulders. There are a couple mistakes here ant there. Mix it again and look out for the mistakes.
My initial mix was a bit bass heavy, so I've probably backed it off too much. It does have compression though. Threshold of -30db, 5.8 ratio, and 7.8ms attack. I'll mess around with it and see what I can do.

I plan on patching up a few of the mistakes where possible once I'm happy with the overall mix :) Thanks for the heads up though, and thanks for the feedback dude.
My initial mix was a bit bass heavy, so I've probably backed it off too much. It does have compression though. Threshold of -30db, 5.8 ratio, and 7.8ms attack. I'll mess around with it and see what I can do.

I plan on patching up a few of the mistakes where possible once I'm happy with the overall mix :) Thanks for the heads up though, and thanks for the feedback dude.

reggae can't have too much bass..its impossible...God and Bob Marley said so
More bass - especially the bottom end as you've plenty of definition going at present. The bass at present has a proggy Rickenbacker sound to it. The best way to tell with a reggae song is to mute the lead guitar and vocals and see if the bass & percussion with occasional stabs of rhythm guitar with reverb carry you away - almost dub style.
You've left good head room as this seems fairly quiet. Some of the bass line seems a little rushed or busy to fit into the spaces. The song seems more like slower Ska than Reggae in terms of arrangement - you might use a smidge more delay on the rhythm guitar too - particularly at the end.
I'm no expert obviously - my only claim is that I saw Marley on 2 consecutive nights at the Horden!
More bass - especially the bottom end as you've plenty of definition going at present. The bass at present has a proggy Rickenbacker sound to it. The best way to tell with a reggae song is to mute the lead guitar and vocals and see if the bass & percussion with occasional stabs of rhythm guitar with reverb carry you away - almost dub style.
You've left good head room as this seems fairly quiet. Some of the bass line seems a little rushed or busy to fit into the spaces. The song seems more like slower Ska than Reggae in terms of arrangement - you might use a smidge more delay on the rhythm guitar too - particularly at the end.
I'm no expert obviously - my only claim is that I saw Marley on 2 consecutive nights at the Horden!

Thanks for the feedback :)

I'm really not liking the bass myself the more I listen to it. I'll spend some extra time on it.

I would agree that a slow form of ska describes it much better, but I was in a very unimaginative mood and just slapped "reggae" onto it :p

Thanks again.
Cool tune - good

While you're playing with this try riding the vocals a bit. They really could use some volume in the quiet parts....
Very good tune tune Doc.
Voice is a bit muffled though, sounds like it's coming out of a box. I think you should EQ it better. But the one thing that hit me is, the song sounds as though it's mixed in mono. I switched to mono whlile listening to it and ther was almost no difference. IMHO it could use some panning. Arrangement is pretty good everything's nicely played.

Joey :):)
Very good tune tune Doc.
Voice is a bit muffled though, sounds like it's coming out of a box. I think you should EQ it better. But the one thing that hit me is, the song sounds as though it's mixed in mono. I switched to mono whlile listening to it and ther was almost no difference. IMHO it could use some panning. Arrangement is pretty good everything's nicely played.

Joey :):)

Thanks for the tips joeym :D

Yeah the vocals were probably the hardest to deal with. The singer's got a difficult voice to mix, in my opinion anyway. I'll see what I can do.

You're right about the panning. There's not really much in there. The overheads are done hard right/left, and the guitars are 25% left and right respectively. That's about it though. Everything else is centered. The song just sounds plain weird if the guitars go too hard either way, but I'll definitely space it out a bit more.

Cheers man. :)