New Recording on my Fostex VF80


I know that is the nice way of telling me that it was too much....thanks for your positive input, and tact.

BTW, Fostex VF80 Hall effects/Female preset EQ :)
hi again

i think it sounds good, too, i dont think it is too much reverb( once again , crappy speakers at work).

Im no expert just learning also , but i think with most effects, if you can hear the effect its a just little too much.

as i said though, cant hear alot of reverb on this with built in speaker from work....

bdbdbucksKID said:
I know that is the nice way of telling me that it was too much....thanks for your positive input, and tact.

BTW, Fostex VF80 Hall effects/Female preset EQ :)

Whoa! I wasn't meaning to imply that you were using too much/or little of anything. The speakers I'm listening on wouldn't be good enough to make an assessment. I like your overall sound, my son is a guitarist/vocalist, and I'm looking to pick up any tips I can from someone who sounds like they know what they're doing.

Very nice song..,

I think this is your best, at least I like it the best.... everything sounded good to me, I dont think there was too much reverb..

The keys sounded pretty good, they seemed to fit in well....

I noticed you didn't beat up your guitar, thats a plus... hehe


Kelly, I appreciate your continued support...I hope to keep them coming if you will listen! I didn't beat up the guitar because I wouldn't have been able to hear the click track (as annoying as it was) you were in luck this time. I have been trying to loosen up a bit and take it easy on my attacks lately, I am glad you noticed. The keys were a real stretch for me considering I know nothing of the piano (other than where the notes are, well, kinda) Thanks for your positive feedback!

Bill, ain't no big thing, I am unsure about the mix myself which was partially the reason why I said what I said. Like I mentioned earlier (in other posts) I think the guitar needed the extra verb that the vox had...I overcompensated. Thanks for your compliments.

Dave, I appreciate your compliments...but we are in the same boat as far as experience is concerned, I'm sure! I have only been mixing/recording since 01/03 (on the Fostex instead of a tape deck). That's alotta trial and error btw!

Thanks again guys!!!
Very nice. I'm listening to it now and really enjoying it:)

Good website too. Never occurred to me that Nymph might be an abbreviation...honest:D
Sounds great!

I think it sounded great, nice work! And just for the record, the fact that you aren't a piano player is probably why you were able to pull off such an easy, subtle undertone to the song with those keys... :) Very nice, indeed.

I'm considering buying the VF80, and was wondering, since you've had some time to work with it, what you thought and would you recommend it?

Thank in advance,
The VF80 is a good machine to work with. I had a few issues in the beginning, but you can't expect too much from a machine for that price. It is worth buying especially if you have never recorded before. Later on your desire to get a mixer will grow stronger and stronger. The effects are relatively conservative IMO, but I really have nothing to compare it to being that it is my first machine. The burner is a great bonus btw...for backing up your projects (just in case). I have yet to use the midi input output but it is great for transferring data to another compatible device (ie your computer) if you choose to go in that direction. Good luck with your purchase!