New Prog Metal From Roktuk *free download*


God Bless The Apocalypse
Every night I close my eyes real tight and hope against hope, that someone at Mystery Records will notice me. *sigh* :( :rolleyes:

Anyway, I have little skill at mixing or recording.
I just like to write a song every now and then. :)

Is it prog metal? Prog rock?
All I know is it's called "Nostalgia".

Hurry! This free download is only for a limited time!!! :eek:

I hear alot of volume fluctuations. Do you use volume envelopes? Is it your compressor breathing? Are you doing this on purpose or is it just an artifact of the processing you're doing?
Sounds like a drum machine to me. There is alot of hiss in the left ear of my headphones. Cymbals are nasty. You def have talent in making tunes and aranging. Lots of stuff going on, reminds me of Pink Floyd a little.
Not digin the guitars tones. Sound direct.
Cool tune though.
I'll leave the recording issues up to the guys on this one. I am too caught up in the song itself.

Man this is awesome!!!! And then Awesome!!! And coming from someone who could never get the last word in, that is amazing!!! ;) :p :Ddo you always get the last word in with music?

By the way, I believe I just heard Teddy dearest from Mystery records having a coronary!!! :eek: :D
Cool tune. I agree with the Pink Floyd like sound, which I like. Very interesting. Nice progression.....Oh, wait, is that Ted/christian/Mystery calling now...????

Anyway, cool tune.
Great music! Excellent huge epic thing, definitely hear some Floydish stuff going on.

David Bowie would work, but True-eurt would be better still!!!

The drums do sound a little. . . weird to me. I listened on low quality. I will try to listen again at high-quality.

Please, keep it up.
Thanks everyone. :)

Hmmm...David Bowie? I was thinkin' maybe the world famous true-eurt.

All the things you hear are true! :eek: I don't know what I'm doing.
But I think I've fixed *some* of the issues already.

Yep, fake drums and direct guitar into a cheapo soundcard. I have no gear.

If you wanna do some vocals, be my guest. :cool: I'll probably update it sometime soon. Maybe you could channel Mistress Von Spankenheimer. :eek:

Mystery Records called!!! :eek: ... Hey! :mad: Stop that! :mad:

I use an old prog called Reality.

I think I've made the drums a little better.

Thanks again everyone. I'll probably update the file sometime tonight.
Hopefully I've addressed the compression weirdness, and the bass should be a bit more clear too. And I'll try to sweeten the guitar.
Am I too late for the limited time FREE DOWNLOAD??? I'm scared to download it and then get a bill in the mail.
Ok, I listened. I hope I don't get credited on my card.

This is some BIG SOUNDING SHIT!!! WOW!. I'm not crazy about the drum sound, though the toms sound good. Besides that, it's pretty awesome.
RAMI you now owe me fif-ty-thou-sand-dol-lars!

I've updated the song if anyone cares to take a second listen.
I think it's a fair bit better. Kinda like 50% less catastrophic success.
The drums sound more out front,I think. I am going by memory, and that is dangerous for me. But I do believe I like the first one best. It had more of an impact. In otherwords, it gave me lots of goosebumps. :)
true-eurt said:
The drums sound more out front,I think. I am going by memory, and that is dangerous for me. But I do believe I like the first one best. It had more of an impact. In otherwords, it gave me lots of goosebumps. :)

Yea, that first one really hit ya in the face. Actually that kinda got me excited about this song, cuz I thought it would turn out quite different. Too much is too much though, I suppose mixing is an exercise in subtlety. :o
Supercreep said:
Very nice guitars. Reminds me of Dream Theatre.


I friggin' love DT! Is there anything better than Octavarium? 24 minutes of some damn eqsuisite melodies and, what's the word, ... It's just emotional everywhere! I've been accused of trying to "copy" them. Which always kind of irks me. I couldn't if I wanted to. I'm glad the guitars turned out better, cuz there's only two settings, really hot and suck! :eek:
Roktuk said:
Yea, that first one really hit ya in the face. Actually that kinda got me excited about this song, cuz I thought it would turn out quite different. Too much is too much though, I suppose mixing is an exercise in subtlety. :o
S U B T L E T Y.... :confused: I will look that up in the dictionary. I have never heard that word before. :D

BTW...I would go with the Too much-Hit ya in the face-Goosebumps version, If it were my song. It kicks!!! :)
Man, I just had to come back and reply to what I just posted to you ROKTUK.
I do not mean to imply this version sucks in any way, because I think he kicks ass!!!

I just happen to listen on emotional levels, so I miss a lot of what the other dudes in here, hear. Whoa...double something or other there in the here words. :D

Anyway, I do love this tune. I have downloaded it as a keeper. :)