New portastudio 2488


New member
Anyone tried one of these? Am upgrading from a porta 02 and want to know if this is the way to go. Am new at recording, so am still trying to put a studio together. This apparantly is to replace the 788 which they are no longer making.


Salmon said:
Anyone tried one of these? This apparantly is to replace the 788 which they are no longer making.
Thanks, Salmon

the 2488 has not been released yet (due in a few weeks, i believe). from all appearances it "seems" to be VERY similar to the 788,..the OBVIOUS upgrades being the increased track count, on-board cd burner & tone-generator as well as the USB port and digital input. the layout and functionality appear to be almost identical to the 788. the price of the unit is pretty attractive, especially considering that the 788 8-tracker hit the market WITHOUT the cd burner for about the same price only 2-3 years ago. i'd very much like to see the the 2488 IN PERSON. pretty cool,..but more "evolutionary" rather than "revolutionary" i'd say (except for the lower price:D ). cheers.
Yo Sal & Cratin:}

Just took another look at the Tascam 2488 in the latest issue of EM. Looks pretty cool but the "view screen" looks very small. Maybe my arms aren't long enough anymore?

On the other hand, the two new models of the Korg SIAB look pretty cool too. Nice big view screen that is touch-controlled. And, a newer version of the Korg SIAB is due out in April -- probably sells for more $$ than the Tascam.

Even though I use the Yam 2816, I'm looking at the new Korgs because they are, reportedly, EASIER to navigate. Time will tell and so will the crew here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Green Hornet :p :D :cool:

Thanks! Has Korg released anything for 2004? The 16 track and 32 track look really nice. Of course the price is a bit higher as you stated. The 32 has motorized faders which would be really cool.

Oh but the 2488 is sweet!

I'm saving for one!
The fact that is has USB, Digital I/O, 8-ins, 8-track simultainius recording, nice effects, tascam reputation and (oh and this is the part that sold it to me) a 64 voice MIDI modual!!!!!!! AH that rules!

It costs less than a Korg D1600MKII and there new 16 and 32 track, and its has more tracks than the others (most)....

24 tracker for $1199.99!!!!!!
I'm sold!
I started on a 424MKII, used it till it was so used that is started to smoke and burn and just died but it was new when I bought it till like two years ago.
Thats some good gear baby!

Yeah sorry to gush!
I'm kind of on the fence on this cause it would an easy step to make after 3+ years with a 788, but I just upgraded it and put in a 60 gig hard drive. Sure would be nice to have the extra tracks however, I'm really sick of bouncing.

Hmmm, I wonder if a 2488 could read the format and data from a 788?
Originally posted by philboyd studge
Hmmm, I wonder if a 2488 could read the format and data from a 788?

everything i've read on the 2488 indicates that it is NOT compatible with the 788. if this is true, it is most unfortunate for 788 owners. i suppose a "work-a-round" would be to send tracks "two-at-a-time" out of the 788's digital output and into the 2488's digital input.

the 2488 is (without a doubt) the most affordable 24-bit 24 tracker on the market. there are a few ommissions in it's design that bother me a bit, however. as on the 788, there appears to be NO onboard automation of any kind. i would have thought that automated scene recall would have been a given (all the Korg machines offer this as well as the Yamaha AW16g and the Roland units). ALSO, a row of 4 or 5 multi-function knobs DEDICATED to adjusting parameters like EQ, PAN, DYNAMICS, EFFECTS would have been a GREAT addition. as it is,..ALL parameters are assigned to the single data/jog wheel. managing a 24-track tune would certainly be easier with the tools i mentioned above. STILL, $1199 is a nice price. cheers.

well if your a 788 user they say on the tascam site that you can sync multiple 788's to add more tracks, so no ones out of luck realy, but it would have been nice if they made that possible between the 788 and the 2488.

I have no Idea when it comes to automation...........
What it is or does, but if a unit had it or not I would never know, heheh.

I still pretty much sold, just dont know if I need 24 tracks.......
Err, what am I saying I always need more tracks, heheh......
Re: hmmm

reco said:
I have no Idea when it comes to automation...........What it is or does, but if a unit had it or not I would never know, heheh.

well, automation really isn't a necessary inclusion on ANY recorder, but it basically provides an extra set of "invisible hands" when you are mixing down your tracks. if both hands are "riding the faders" you could let "automation" switch effects on different tracks, or apply compression at certain points, or adjust the pan or tweak the eq ALL at DIFFERENT points (in your tune),...basically wherever YOU desire it (i.e. program in). still, 788 users should fall QUITE comfortably into the 2488 as it appears to be the same machine with 16 extra tracks (plus a few other goodies). i expect it will be a popular machine. cheers. :)