new pop rock song

I'm impressed at the quality of recording you've achieved at your early ages. Quite way beyond what I could have done at the same age.

If you went for the larger "thump" that PG proposes, you might lose some of the clarity of the low end you've gotten. There is plenty of snap to identify the kick, yet the bass guitar might cloud w/ more low end.

What I noticed was, though the guitars do have a nice bite to them, it may be too much ...

When vocals and guitar fight for space in the middle, the guitars trump the vox. Nothing should trump the vox -- just reference commercial examples of this style -- Jimmy Eat World/American Hi Fi/Blink82 and others in the genre.

With teenagers in my house, I'm well versed in the mix style and have listened fairly extensively ... even if the names of the units don't jump quickly to mind.

Still, that said, the writing and the performances are roughly equal to anything the aforementioned bands have put out -- very strong stuff.

The mix is close ... but I'd soften those guitars and protect the middle a little more against the vox.



I love the song, pretty catchy. I agree with some of the posts above; You should cut the chorus at the beginning from 19 sec to 32 sec so the vocal starts at 19 sec.

Excellent work.

/Jack Real.
Great band. The mix is excellent. Even on MySpace the gtrs sound very good, bass and drums even better, vocal better yet.

Around 1:36 it sounds too tightly autotuneded during the short vocal flourish there... it's popping from pitch to pitch. Not a big deal though, it's not really that noticeable.

Let me know when the CD's out. I want to buy it.

I must say im quite impressed too. I guess us ( the younger generation) are lucky to have the ability to have professional recordings, with a few key pieces of gear and a good set of ears haha. I will try to turn the 4.5k down for the final mix and see if that helps at all. You listed Jimmy Eat World as one of the commercial examples, and "the sweetness" happens to be one of my favorite mixes. Thank you for the comments on the performances, I don't know what to say other than I've been playing drums since I was in 4th grade and I should be good by now haha.


I'll admit, there is a bit of autotune on this. However, our singer is very good and its actually hard for autotune to work on him haha. That little part there to me doesn't sound that bad actually. However, if your going to wave the autotune flag, listen to artists like "Hilary Duff, Simple Plan" and you'll see that this is not heavily autotuned. I will definatly keep you informed when I finish the cd, soon within the next month.


I actually think im going to leave it like that for now, as were recording a music video for this song, its going to be really cool and they want some more time in the begining to get the scenes across. Thanks for the compliments.
Everything sounds in the pocket - the intro's a little long. My only real concern is the guitar tone - a little harsh with not enough guitar in it. that's just a personal taste issue.
Well done to you & the band.
snare sound

Hey that snare is a COLD MOUNTAIN CUSTOM! 6ply vertical maple/w a birdseye maple finish..... Matt
Nice song but the pitch correction is annoying on the lead vocal.

Mix sounds great on the headset, and the band sounds super modern.

Nice job.