new original piano/ guitar

another entertaining chapter in your cronicles. I don`t buy any music anymore or heist it, I just download from here mostly... especially this kind of piece...
good stuff. Very nice and subtle key changes. It gets a little repeatitive, but definitely appropriate for this type of music. Well done!

That's a buetiful song. I listened to your other songs too and I like them also. Especially escape. The sound quality and the actual songs themselves are amazing.

Hi Chris,
:) Yeah.. I always like a bunch of bass because its the part of the music that seems to move the listener. But as you said it doesnt translate that well on all listening devices. You know Ive tried a little technique on my blue moon song that worked really well was having an analog bass running @ a lower frequency running along side the bass and it really fattened up the bottom end :) Fat bottoms on music always goes really well :)


Heya bill
Im glad ya dug this one!
Im still using my korg triton keyboard... which is a keyboard geared more for techno/dance... but I can pull a couple or mellow keyboard sounds out of it and tweak them a little to match the atmosphere of the song. The keyboard sound I have in the song actually is panned in stereo-full left & right- (so thats about as wide as I can get with the piano) with a bell and synth noise randomly panning across the field for a dreamy sound.


I hear you on the bass out of key on those couple of notes.
I just bought a fretless warwick bass and the intonation is off on it... so I went and strobed the guitar and relaid the tracks... so I hope its better now :) Thanks for the listen


Really a big Thank You for your reply :)
I guess you get back what you put into a song.. because I feel the same way about your reply.
Im sure you can write music that moves also... if your heart is in the right spot you'll be able to write exhilarating music. Best of luck!


Thanks Toki... :) I agree... theyre many talented people out here and its great being able to listen to it all at the click of a mouse. A great time in history


hey al
Sometimes repetition can get a bold idea across... but sometimes it cant. Its just an idea I was saying ... thats what makes music so interesting. ;)


Welcome to the bbs and I thank you for listening to my voice.

Well... its time to find my ZZZzzzz's

Night Night
Jeff - first off, you are among my favorite artists on this BBS. Your playing is always impeccable, and always tasty as well.

This song is great. However, as has been mentioned, the bass needs to be tamed. The fade-in is really nice, but about 0:22 the bass takes over and is quite annoying for most of the rest of the song. BTW, that is listening on my 20/20 BAS's, which don't transmit bass very well to begin with. You really need to get that under control, as it defintely detracts from the song. I didn't try to isolate the frequency, but something is resonating way too much on the bass.

I also didn't care for the change between 1:46 and 2:02. It just doesn't work for me.

I hope this doesn't come off harsher than I meant it to be. I have high expectations of you. Overall this is really nice to listen to. You mainly just need to get that bass under control.

After hearing most all of your tunes, I would expect nothing less from you. First rate, marketable, good emotion, I'd buy it.


¡¡¡Yo Yeff!!!
Maybe I spend too much time in the cave because I finally agree with what most have had to say and that rarely happens these days.
The only thing I would add would be ambient percussion; crotalos, bells, shakers, triangle, cymbal rolls/swells etc...but then take that with a grain of salt as I am an ambiental percussionist and hear that stuff even when its probably overkill...and maybe a little more subtle fade out.
¡¡¡OLE Y OLE!!!
el jordo