New MP3, what do you think?

buckshot plevna

New member
My band just recently finished recording one of our new songs, but we wanted to get a critique on it before we laid down the vocals, it's kind of like a jazzy/acoustic ballad with hints of heavy guitars. Musically, this is probably our best stuff...let me know what you think...the song is called "Dancing in the Rain (It Just Isn't the Same Without You)"

I started humming almost right away. I'd like to hear it with vocals.

I'm not a tech head, but I think the lead lines were a bit outside the mix a bit. Forgive me for not being able to phrase it better, hope you know what I mean. But over all I like it. :)
can't hear the bass drum much. drums are a little mushy all around for my taste but that's prolly what you're going for.

I liked the acoustic.

Actually the whole bottom end of the mix sounds a little mushy.

The electric guitar in the middle was a tad loud when it first came in.

Listening on my home stereo.
The cymbals in the intro seem too bright or up front. The sounds are generally good but the cymbals seem too loud in the mix to me.
Thanks for listening, just wondering, does anybody know how we could clean up a "mushy" sound without having to re-record what we've already done?
We're currently working on the vocals, they should be done within a week or two...

it sounds pretty balanced to me. i think the snare sounds a little "cheap", but i think that its the drum, not the recording. is it a metal piccolo? thats what it sounds like to me, tuned really loose. i like the effects on the lead line, but its definately a bit out front. the bass could come up i think too. overall its not a bad mix at all though. it definately conveys the tune really well.

Nice song. Acoustic sounds really good, but a little too loud to me. It sounds like the dominant instrument, and that just doesn't strike me right in electric tunes.
All I can really hear in the drums is the cymbals. Bring up that snare and kick (and toms if there are any). I hear the snare a couple times at the end of verses and it sounds good to me - like a real snare. Just would like to hear more of it through the song.

Ok - getting near the end of the song - I'm hearing the snare a little more and some toms, but still pretty buried. There are some timing issues on the drum fills. The drum sound is good to me. It's just the levels of the drums that needs work.

Post that remix when you get vocals on.
I'm not sure if this will work or not (I'm not a computer tech guy at all) but I'll try...
We re-mixed our song thanks to your suggestions, and added vocals, (but still no back up vocals) we still have some mixing to do, this is just our 1st attempt of a mix with vox...
Critique away or just have a listen


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Cool song man, lyrics are really solid, singing needs work, sounds like jesse camp, sorta whiny like a young college band. I'm having a hard time understanding what hes saying. Hes off pitch a lot.
Good luck.
The sound is definitely muddy. I'd start out by trying a cut around 500hz on all the instruments....maybe a couple of db. That'll clear it up but might make it a bit anemic in the bass. If that's the case, you'll have to decide which insturments to put a little 500hz back into, probably the bass. This is just a starting point but you do need to get those instruments a bit of definition.
Thanks for your comments, but goose, I must disagree with your comment. There's no way that's off pitch. We did some experimenting with some tools and wanted to see what it would sound like if we used an Auto-tuner and that's the result we got.
If you're unfamiliar, an Auto tuner brings the pitch back into key if it wavers, or goes flat or sharp. I'm not saying that it's 100% accurate, but I don't think it goes off pitch. You think it's whiny?
Who's Jesse Camp?

This link might sound a little better

Hey man.

Jesse Camp is that VJ from MTV. They let him sing.

Whiney? Yeah I find the vocals sound whiney. He sounds like hes imitating a lot of those pop/punk bands on TRL but he isn't doing a good job of it. He got no soul. However, I'm sure others would like this type of vocal style.

Some things are a little out of tune - beginings and end of phrases. Not a big deal. It wouldn't sound better if it was.

I understood the verse lyrics, but I couldn't understand the chorus. Not that the verse lyrics were solid (that was a joke).

The instruments sound good - I wish the lead guitar was louder at the end.

Good luck.
Well, I gave it a listen, and I really think it's pretty good. It's not exactly my style but I can dig it. I could hear a few Autotune glitches and artifacts in there, but I can't really talk because if I tried to autotune myself singing it'd probably burn up my entire computer.:D I liked that guitar that comes in on the right during the chorus. The snare didn't sit real well with me, though. It had no "body" to it. Is it panned off to the right or is that bleed? Oh well, keep jammin.