new mp3 for Martha Stewart


New member
You may have to type this URL into your browser if you can't just click on it, but I think you'll like it. It's a song about a bet I made with a friend that Martha Stewart would go to jail and not get probation. The song is basically me rubbing it in. FYI: He plays a "djembe" drum and guitar just so one of the lines makes sense. That's me singing and playing guitar and thumping a Hershey's cocoa box (can't afford bongoes). All done on my VF 80; I'm starting to figure out some things on this wonderful little machine, largely due to the support I get on this board. I appreciate it.

Now tell me this ain't funny.

notbradsohner said:
not only is that funny, it is a great recording also..........nice job man

Same comments here...

A couple of technical questions:

- what kind of mics did you use to record the vocals and guitar?
- Did you mix the song on your VF or on a computer?
- If on your VF, what kind of EQ'ing, if any did you use?

I'm asking because, as written before, they sound great.

Not to mention that Martha Stewart songs are the perfect entertainment for any occasion - from that intimate gathering with friends to a large reception on the lanai.

I love this song...

Quality is nice as well.

By any chance, would you mind posting the lyrics?
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I'm a little embarrassed answering tech questions about any of my disasters because we have some real masters that read this stuff. For what it's worth, I recorded the guitars with a large diaph. condenser, a not really fancy MX, and did vocals on an sm57 (some things don't need to be faithfully captured, and my voice is one of them.) Rhythm guitar on the left, a second rhythm guitar tracking the first on the right. I recorded all on the vf80. I wouldn't know how to mix on a computer; I have no software like cooledit, and I really don't see the point since I have all the gizmos I can handle to mess with. I turn the compressor ratio to 1:1, which I don't even know what that means, and the gain to 10, and have given up using EQ. I leave it flat and go into the normal hall for reverb, which is at about 20% on all channels. Now I'm rally embarrassed, but I appreciate you guys asking.

I also hope Martha gets a new trial. She's not likable in so many ways, but jail time is unnecessary. Take care, and thanks for the listen.
robjh22 said:
I'm a little embarrassed answering tech questions about any of my disasters because we have some real masters that read this stuff.

Hey, don't be embarrassed. That was kind of the answer I was hoping for...The end result was good, and it sounds like you're using the same tools as I have (or have access to.) - That's to say there's hope for us other non-profesionals.

Thanks for the response.

P.S., while I'm no Martha fan, you can take comfort that, from what I've heard, she's going to a fairly nice facility in an area of Conneticut that beautiful & sprinkled with mansions, not to mention fairly close to one of her homes. Prison to her might be what you & I would call a vacation.