new monitors... holy @#$!


New member
OK, so I FINALLY got monitors. M-AUDIO 5a deluxe... and I can't believe it. I should have done this a year ago. But one thing. what sould I have the vol. on the monitors set at 1/2 ...3/4... I have no idea! HELP!
Yep. Monitors make all the difference, f'real.

As for your volume, set your monitors at 0. Neither loud, nor soft. Or if there isn't a 0 point, put them at like 50-80%, depending on what your interface is and how much juice you can push out. I use a Tascam US1800 and I have the volume of my monitors at 0 (they can go from -30db to +6db) and use the volume of the interface to make it louder or softer from there.
another thing. I have a tascam DP01, since they are powered should they be hooked up directly, or through the amp?
I haven't. cause thats what i thought. so they should just run straight from the tascam then, right.
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